IB employee makes $30m in Tesla options, quits.

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by ZBZB, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. sounds like Elon Something or other..
    #11     Nov 5, 2020
  2. TimMykes


    browsed the vid, other than the annoying moderator, a waste of my time
    #12     Nov 5, 2020
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  3. TimMykes


    I dont need to hear about some clown making a killing. You can look at the options chain your self and see the money thats made every day on longshot bets .

    30-1 , happens all the time

    go get some , frisky
    #13     Nov 5, 2020
  4. d08


    So, you are claiming that ALL brokerage employees are honest and would never steal information? That's a pretty bold statement, especially since you have no evidence nor is your argument reasonable.
    #14     Nov 5, 2020
  5. Where in my statement did i say that they are ALL honest? PRETTY BOLD ASSUMPTION, especially since my statement is typed in plain english and alludes to nothing of the sort. So no, I didnt claim a fuckin thing of the sort. You decided to project that into my statement - more than likely because my statement has to do about you, if i had to take a guess, especially since you decided to project shit into my statement that wasnt said. No other reason to bring it up really.

    What I AM saying is, in general, brokerages arent concerned about your strategies. Let alone the strategies of your avg. trader. ANd that it isnt nearly a concern as some of the morons here spewing that BS like to make it out - normally to account for their own shortcomings. Id look at their own deficiencies before i believed a brokerage was stealing their strats.

    The arrogance that there is nothing wrong with them, and that a brokerage is out to get them by stealing their strats is a preposterous idea - that doesnt mean it cant happen, just that it is rare. THere would be a shit storm if someone were able to prove a brokerage firm was genuinely stealing their trading ideas. ANd you know what that means? bye bye all the money and goodluck continuing to conduct business.

    It is not in their best interest to do that or keep people around who do - they make way more easy money off the fee with no risk than what trading can afford them.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    #15     Nov 5, 2020
  6. camera


    Well congratulation to him after all
    #16     Nov 6, 2020
  7. d08


    What is this based on? Seems like hot air. There's a thousand ways to take advantage of traders when you know what they're doing. We already know the hundreds of bucketshops do it every day. Yet in other brokerages it's not done? It does not add up.

    It will never ever come out. There's just no way it could. A whistle-blower has no incentive and any evidence is easy to destroy and hard to gather.
    Say a CS rep. at a brokerage finds a trader that constantly performs well. He starts to copy his trades and trades on his family member's account at another brokerage. How would anyone find out about this if he does minimal covering of his tracks?

    It doesn't mean that the whole brokerage is in on it. There could be a one or a few rogues who participate but for the client, it doesn't matter.

    In the end it's about human behavior and it's highly unlikely that it's not already happening.
    #17     Nov 6, 2020
    qaz and qlai like this.

  8. Not even going to address anything else because its clear you cant simply read and follow context and keep projecting what you think into what i say.

    Never said it wasnt done. "Hundreds of bucketshops do it everyday." Sure, if you want to put your money in some shady shithole be my guest. I am only talking about the brokers that matter - again i said its rare - not that it doesnt happen. Nor does it happen to the scale that would warrant numerous complaints or conspiracies of it happening, like what happens here, as a crutch to account for your shitty trading. It would come out in a big way if it was systemic.

    Typical inch worm who takes outliers and says "see it happens"

    Riiight. a CS rep is gonna be able to follow the "strat" to a T but a typical trader cant even follow basic shit that is all over the net - like not adding to losers. You are reaching at this point.

    Whistleblower has no incentives? You should do some more research, its clear you havent and are just saying anything you can at this point - financial whistleblowers are getting paid on a regular basis with a lot of millions. Much better than risking your limited capital to try and make that amount.

    The average person is risk averse when dealing with money (i.e using their limited capital to make more in a substantial way) whether they have a "sure thing" or not. So to think some lowly CS rep is gonna take that chance, or follow a strat to a T, is asinine - or thinking enough CS reps are going to take that chance for it to matter at all is again, asinine.

    Simply put, what you think is your edge is shit if you are worried about a handful of CS reps (ahahhahaha) trying to replicate what some retail trader does.

    But if you got so much fuckin proof that brokerages are stealing your precious ideas, then pony up some evidence. Until then STFU.

    Your conspiracy theory doesnt add up. What is it based on? Seems like hot air. You just sound like an upset fuck by blaming brokerages and continuing to project what you think as if I said it. No wonder why you are losing in the markets and think brokerages are taking your super secret strats - you constantly project. Pathetic, that instead of looking at yourself you blame your losses on a brokerage, downright pathetic.

    So everyone else is making money but precious d08 isnt making any because brokerages are stealing his super uber strats? Give me a fuckin break - you simply are not as important as you think you are.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
    #18     Nov 6, 2020
  9. d08


    So since you're not going to read my reply, there's no point in me reading yours. You're just another new user with zero experience but a world of opinions.
    #19     Nov 6, 2020
  10. Yea, I sold 1000 shares of MELI @ 14 , thought it was garbage , its 1445 today. Everything is vision and luck , now I think UBER is the next in line.
    #20     Nov 6, 2020