IB charting vs. QouteTracker charting??

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by jimclark, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Relleum


    Yea, she really helped out. As for my charts, I am really picky about what I want to see, so I've been fighting for some time to get as much information as I need without sacrificing readability.

    I mostly use the 3 minute, 1 day intraday chart as my primary window of exiting/entering positions. However, I am consistently going to the 15minute, 10 day intraday chart to look for possible support/resistance that may contribute to the current days action. Finally, i have the 6month daily chart that i check for longer term patterns. Often times i switch this one to 1 year for an even bigger picture. If i really want the complete situation, ill go back a couple years, but only for a glance.

    Also, i like to have RSI at 14 on my historical charts, because it gives me a good idea of when a stock is overbought/oversold.

    Right now i have the free version of QT, so I have to switch to the fidelity website when i want my 10 day intraday chart. The same thing goes for anything more than 6 months on the historical chart.

    I am seriously contemplating either purchasing the full version or populating an Ameritrade account to get it for free. This way i don't have to go outside of the program to get all the data i need. However, if i start paying for it, I still have the problem of IB only giving 5 days of intraday data.

    So as of right now I'm living with this small inconvenience in order to keep my bottom line down, but I have my eyes open.
    #21     Feb 25, 2007
  2. Relleum


    That is another great idea. You are quickly becoming my most favorite person on the ET forums!

    Here is a suggestion that may help you out. I don't know if you noticed on my setup, but only one of the three charts in each "slot" has the giant symbol watermark on the background. This is really important to me because I need to know immediately which stock im looking at, but at the same time it's a bit more distracting than just a clean chart. If you consistently have your charts in the same arrangement, then you really only need it on a primary, "slot-identifying" chart. The problem is you cannot control this setting individually; you can either turn them on or off.

    You can, however, change the background color to "gradient" and use the same color for both lower and upper. This will drown out the watermark for secondary charts, and make them a little bit more readable.

    (I told you I'm picky :))
    #22     Feb 25, 2007
  3. IB is my broker for years,,,,,,,but please , no way can ib charts come anywhere near the functionality of quotetracker........who cares ??? used together the combo is incredible
    #23     Feb 26, 2007
  4. Back to original question.

    So what's demonstrated (by MajorUrsa) in this thread as possible in QT is <u>NOT</u> POSSIBLE in IB charting.

    #24     Feb 26, 2007
  5. Ah yes, great. I currently don't need the watermarks because all my charts are about the same future and I never change them. Before that I had a love/hate thing with the watermarks too, you need them but they are distracting and a bit unclean. I'll experiment with the colors again, good tip.

    #25     Feb 26, 2007
  6. I'm not sure about NOT possible, but I found it rather clumsy and it felt unsolid. Maybe Java again, another love/hate thing,

    Some of the things described weren't possible in TWS 6 months ago, maybe they are now. Butt this is only the beginning setup. After that there are so many things configurable, indicators, chart-types and timeframes, vertcal scaling etc etc...

    If QT didn't exist I might try TWS again; I don't care much for the other charters out there. But I've become very dependant on QT during the last year.

    #26     Feb 26, 2007
  7. Trader200K


    I love QT for charting. The backend with IB works flawlessly and the multiple ways to setup every chart is unsurpassed for daily work. I have used IB for years and am generally satisfied.

    The paintbar system added recently is a big step up for QuoteTracker, but I still don't have my trading system alerts where they can do me the most good.

    Does anyone here trigger trades via the QTracker interface?

    If so....what are the pros and cons?

    (I am not all that enamored with IB's entry system. Their red "Close Position" button on BookTrader just seems to flip your position to a limit order at the same price. That's little help trying to get out in a fast market. Being able to program the button to enter a sell limit order X cents below the market would be nice when things get dicey.)
    #27     Feb 26, 2007
  8. You cannot program the buttons (I think) but you can of course program many hotkeys and mouse-combo's to do enter or modify orders. I actually find the order-entry rather good with hotkeys, lately.

    #28     Feb 26, 2007