IB bid price bigger than ask

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by Option Trader, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Google bid price is now 622 and ask is 613.
    Rimm is 100 bid price, 108 ask price.

    Are you showing the same things?
  2. Same here.
  3. Obviously one can notice those are problematic.
    But if the bid price is lower (most of them are), can one assume it is accurate?
  4. I was watching a gapped up stock the other day and as the price started to fall, the bid/ask price crossed and stayed that way for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, trades were being made. Then I started a thread about it and never got even one single reply.
  5. I'm sure a lot of people viewed your thread.

    So that a customer won't get confused or make wrongful assumptions, would it not be possible to get "no quotes" instead of "wrong quotes" in such situations?