IB Ax from C# to C++/CLI

Discussion in 'App Development' started by quantparis, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. I would like to know if someone use the IB AX with the C++/CLI language,
    I don't know what to declare in C++/CLI, in order to get the same think as C#.(in C# it generates the event method automaticcaly with multi tab button)

    C++/CLI code:

    void cIB::Init_AxTWS(AxTWSLib::AxTws^ temp)
    axTws1 = temp;

    axTws1->errMsg += gcnew ::_DTwsEvents_errMsgEventHandler();


    C# code:

    public bool Init_AxTWS(AxTWSLib.AxTws temp)
    // Set the ActiveX
    axTws1 = temp;
    axTws1.errMsg += new _DTwsEvents_errMsgEventHandler(axTws1_errMsg);

    void axTws1_errMsg(object sender, _DTwsEvents_errMsgEvent e)
