IB ActiveX

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by rickty, Feb 8, 2002.

  1. alanm


    I, too, would like to know the password so I can run the demo from my installed version of TWS. This is the only reasonably safe way to test that things actually work right with the exact release that I have installed standalone.

    DEF: Any chance of finding this out, or is it meant to be a secret?
    #51     Feb 21, 2002
  2. rickty


    You don't need to know the password to use the demo TWS.
    Try it. The password (whatever it is) is ready typed into
    the password space when loging in.

    #52     Feb 21, 2002
  3. def

    def Sponsor

    request sent.
    #53     Feb 21, 2002
  4. DEM


    For the Equity it is:


    #54     Feb 21, 2002
  5. def

    def Sponsor

    same for the cdemo user as well.
    #55     Feb 21, 2002
  6. trinfo


    For those interested in using the IB TWS socket server on UNIX (or indeed, from Windows under a different language), you can get Python bindings from http://www.gnome.org/~sopwith/dt/

    There's also source that can be used to generate the libddedll.so that the TWS needs (needed?) to use the socket server.

    I haven't tested it beyond making sure the code parses correctly. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
    #56     Feb 21, 2002
  7. rickty


    Today I did some further experimenting with running IB's client2.exe
    code which implements communication with the TWS with sockets. Today,
    was not a particularly good day to try this as the IB system was,
    for a lot of the time, painfully slow when working at all, as has been discussed
    in other threads. First,
    I should say that I'm testing using the futures demo TWS. I was able
    to place orders and cancel them. I was using ES and NQ futures as my
    examples. (In the past I had different results for these.) This is an
    improvement over what I'd been able to do just a few days ago. I did
    send IB an email telling them of my problems but, unfortunately, their
    reponse contained no useful information. I have a feeling that we're
    their beta testers and they are tweaking their system quietly in the

    I, as yet, have not been able to request market information
    successfully. It appears it is reading my command OK but
    there's no response, except when there's an error in the
    parameters. In which case an error message appears in the
    error window. When I try and cancel my market data request, it
    doesn't recognize my command ID number. I hope that in a
    few more days IB will have tweaked enough to get things finally
    fully functional. In the meantime, if anyone has any luck,
    please let us know.
    #57     Feb 23, 2002
  8. I ran my VB program (using the ActiveX control) with the Commodities Demo all day yesterday to test if the connections remained stable. Everything ran great, placing orders worked all day long.

    A few days ago I was testing the ActiveX control with a program I wrote in Delphi, and had problems getting consistent results with placing trades and getting notifications.

    It's possible that VB is a safer platform right now for using the ActiveX control as the IB dev team might be focusing on it more than the other platforms.
    #58     Feb 23, 2002
  9. just a note to say that I've gotten the Java socket client to work. only real issue is the DDEID's that are not being reset across sessions.
    #59     Feb 28, 2002
  10. dozu888


    trying the demo client3 today and couldn't connect to TWS although "enable excel integration" is turned on.

    error message on client3 is "confirm excel integration is enabled"

    anybody had the same problem today???
    #60     Feb 28, 2002