IB 1% new account promo through referral

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by ggnn2020, Sep 15, 2020.

  1. ggnn2020


    I referred a friend and he made 50k deposit last week. But instead of the 1% new account promo in IBKR stocks, only 1% of $1k received the promo, which is only $10.

    Do we miss anything here? We got the email notification about the confirmation of 1% promo, up to $100k.

    Update: We found that this was recorded in IB report as:
    Adjustment deposit advance (first $1k of $50k deposit).

    So it seems IB grants the bonus for the first $1k on purpose and it's not a mistake. But not sure why it's like this.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
  2. traider


    If they didnt cap it , I will recommend my billionaire friend transfer his funds there. My referral fee will be 10M. Profit!
    murray t turtle likes this.