I wonder if china is trying to dumb down americans

Discussion in 'Politics' started by noob_trad3r, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Ricter


    Nope. It was a victory over the socialists, by the free market business community inside China. The socialists were trying to expand government and ram regulation down business's throat by claiming lead was harmful. The whole claim was revealed, thankfully, to be nothing more than a redistributive initiative, and was put down by the smart people of China. Thanks to this victory, profits in the paint industry are untarnished, ; ), by burdensome "guvmint".
  2. Ricter


    No fair, Oklahoma is doing the best it can, and apparently succeeding, to re-rewrite history! (Or was it Kansas, or Texas...?)
  3. In this case, two rewrites make a right.
  4. Lucrum


    I thought this was the Department of Education's job.
  5. Ricter


    Take heart! Local school boards are able to block the DOE's ideas of educational standards and implement their own.
  6. Lucrum


    Sounds like we don't need the DoE at all.
  7. Ricter


    You're right, we don't need anything like it. As long as competing nations don't rationalize, focus and streamline their own educational standards into something like the sciences, or make attempts at objective historiography, and thus run us over like a steamroller, then not only would we not need any overarching department supervising US education, we'd have nothing to fear!
  8. And the Democrats. [​IMG]
    #10     Nov 22, 2010