I wish we had a Republican president.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. I mean with all this big government intrusion into free markets, spending and big government I miss the days of Reagan.
  2. Gov't main job is to regulate and enforce rules and laws...and they can't even do that.

    the free market or open market is the best method to determine prices...heck the gov't can't even regulate market collusion and market manipulation..man the FED is manipulating the market itself.

  3. Not to worry, McCain will save us. NOT!

    I don't know what change will be, but I will not vote for another 4 years of this bullshit.
  4. You're kidding right? Deficit spending reached new depths of depravity under Reagan.

    What we need is a Libertarian president, one who *actually* believes in smaller government, not just paying lip service to it.
  5. I just wish we had a President! :p
  6. gnome


    Well then, don't give a thought to Andrew Jackson... You'll be in tears.
  7. gnome


    It doesn't matter who wins. Either person/party is out to milk the public purse for all they can while leaving a bigger mess for someone later to deal with. :mad:
  8. nickdes


    Gov't main job is to regulate and enforce rules and laws...and they can't even do that.

    I see by your admission that you have little understanding of our constitution. The role of the "Federal Gov"was never intended as it is today!

  9. I think we should rename this post:

    Ron Paul in '12
  10. true, we need a Prez that likes small Gov. may get it after economy implodes.

    BTW, only congress can actually spend money. Had a Dem congress under Reagan in his biggest 6 years of spending.
    #10     Jul 30, 2008