I will help you for 100,000 dollars

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by BestGuruEver, Jan 3, 2009.

What is the most you would pay for training?

  1. $100,000 or more

    1 vote(s)
  2. $10,000 give or take

    1 vote(s)
  3. $1,000 give or take

    0 vote(s)
  4. Nothing

    9 vote(s)
  1. I will teach you how to trade, understand the macro/micro aspects of the economy and trading, learn how to handle your emotions, the secrets to trading, risk management, how to trade before/after econ. events, how to handle range and trend days, the ability to trade all markets, and more!!!

    3 months for 100,000

    You have to be serious

    Note: I have room for only three students!!!!

    Do you want to find a way to live the life you've always imagined? Be your own boss? Live in mansions, drive nice cars and date beautiful women?

    Monies all paid up front. thanks.
  2. The going rate for this kind of expertise is $100k/month. As you are cheapskating the market price, it would seem you are not very serious.

  3. That's pretty cheap. Clearly you don't put much value in your own knowledge. Try again with another username.
  4. Lucrum


    I just made a worthy addition to my ignore list.
  5. Quote from 3rd 2lastGuruEver:
    3 months for 100,000

    That's pretty cheap. Clearly you don't put much value in your own knowledge. Try again with another username.
