I want to raise $10 billion to trade...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Ripley, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. haha.. that was a decade ago. Actually a lifetime ago.

    In this game, it takes $$$ and time to make it. I had a lot of both.

    5-6 years could make a huge difference when you're just in the early 20s.
    #31     Jan 30, 2010
  2. ammo


    order about 50 kilos of cocaine and then leave with it without paying , the billionairs will come and find you
    #32     Jan 30, 2010
  3. I'm out. It has been a weekend of diversion. Finally, a small break after a lot of work.

    I will be back when I have Billions Under Management. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.
    #33     Jan 30, 2010
  4. This moron definitely raised the bar on the meaning of stupidity in all its hideous forms. The wunderkind that I ran into earlier who needed only $1 million (Need one million to take off fast) is a gadfly compared to this dazzling proselytizer of postmodern persona non grata.

    What will be next: I want my own TARP bailout?
    #34     Jan 30, 2010
  5. zdreg


    the subconscious works in strange ways. you have a great handle.


    believe it or or not.

    your illusion of grandeur cannot be topped.
    #35     Jan 30, 2010
  6. Quote from Ripley:
    I will be back when I have Billions Under Management.

    In the year 2955, a $billion may not be worth very much.

    So, here's a buck. Try not to buy anything that can be snorted...

    #36     Jan 30, 2010
  7. I cannot be topped. I'm the greatest ever to manage money.

    The name is adequate, as it tells of things that are hard to believe, but are actually very real.

    But, I'm anything but real, normal, ordinary.. I'm special, exceptional and talented. I'm the best the world will ever see.
    #37     Jan 31, 2010
  8. ammo


    in the 80's there was a show,ripley's believe or not,we used to call it believe or fuck off, who cares enough to disprove it,you need to ignore the posts here,ignore your own self tittlilating jail of an ego , and go as everyone before you,1 step at a time, if a billion or 10 is in the cards,time will tell, but without very hard work and honest assumptions ,its all a delusion, think of all the lives NASA would have wasted not being able to tell the difference between bullshit and the truth, i think they used math as a zero common denominator, what is your zero denominator,that which separates b.s. and zero...good luck...you rpositive attitude is a plus, i think einstien tried to invent the lite bulb 1000 times, without his positive attitude , we would still be using candles,just dilute your thoughts with evidence
    #38     Jan 31, 2010
  9. F112358


    Another genius.
    #39     Jan 31, 2010
  10. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    congratulations, i've found you.

    please pm me your name, address, credit card number, expiry, security code, mothers maiden name, and other bank details so my people can verify you, and i'll have the money wired over.

    #40     Jan 31, 2010