I used to be a Democrat

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LacesOut, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. Cuddles


    enjoy this
    #81     Jun 26, 2019
  2. elderado


    Your point, exactly?
    #82     Jun 26, 2019
  3. elderado


    His point about the crips and bloods...

    #83     Jul 22, 2019
  4. elderado


    Looks like this little black on brown crime is going to have traction. By the way, I would have never guessed she was pregnant. Chelsea Clinton LOOKED 9 months pregnant when she was. This lady? Nope.

    #84     Jul 23, 2019
  5. Great video.
    #85     Jul 23, 2019
  6. elderado


  7. Cuddles


    #87     Jul 25, 2019
  8. WeToddDid2



    New York Dem Rebukes Schumer, Pledges to Vote GOP Until Party Returns to ‘Sanity’

    “Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration, but you left out certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of.

    “You forgot to tell us about the economy. As good as it’s been, economists expect even more growth through the end of the year. That’s very good news, Senator.

    “You forgot to tell us about unemployment, which is lower than it has been in decades, while economic confidence is at a 17-year high. It’s also at a record low for minorities. That’s very good news, Senator.

    “You forgot to tell us how the U.S. is beginning to emerge in energy dominance. The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling, decreasing our reliance on foreign oil. That’s very good news, Senator.

    “You forgot to tell us about the most remarkable relationship between the United States and our ally Israel ever. Or about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, which you yourself applauded.

    “You forgot to tell us about the successful dismantling of the Iran Deal—a deal which you yourself opposed and knew threatened the rest of the world by making it easier for Iran, the leading supporter of world terrorism, to develop nuclear weapons.

    “You forgot to tell us that the Trump administration is against the harmful reverse-discrimination criteria in universities that would so badly hurt the children from hard-working Asian families. So much for the big tent, Senator.

    “You forgot to tell us about a potential peace with a denuclearized North Korea.

    “You forgot to tell us about tax cuts. I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck. I’m happy about that and so are tens of millions of Americans, Senator.

    “You ask for a contribution, but the Democratic Party—which I am a lifelong member of—is currently betraying the ideals that our party once stood for: American values. You yourself proposed that Representative Ellison head the party, but you must surely know that Ellison has stood with our nation’s leading hate monger Louis Farrakhan.

    “Senator Schumer, as a fellow Democrat, I ask you to work to restore sanity and honesty to our party so I can feel good about supporting it fully. Until then, I’m afraid the Republicans have my support.”

    #88     Jul 25, 2019
    LacesOut likes this.
  9. So discrimination by political affiliation is ok? How about selective use of one’s personal data based on political affiliation? How does a media company determine political affiliation? By what that individual says, right? By extension, one who exercises their free speech risks getting discriminated against and excluded by a potentially significant degree in a community conversation. Therefore, media companies are discriminating against those who exercise their right to free speech that does not agree with the media companies views.

    It sounds like an attempt by certain media companies to influence public thinking and election results. I sense that “influencing election results” is a hot button for Democrats for some reason.

    It used to be, before the Radical Left takeover of the Democratic Party, that free speech was championed by Democrats. In fact, there used to be protests against censorship by Liberals. How things change when you control most of the media, eh? Stalin and Hitler would be proud of the state our media is today.

    A media company is required to have a license to operate. Part of the operating requirements a business agrees to in exchange for a license is to act in the public interest and act lawfully.

    A business who discriminates on the basis of free speech against a certain class of people is not acting in the public interest and may already be violating specific Federal and or state laws. Of course, well defined and evenly applied hate speech provisions excepted.

    We need to reign in suppression of free speech through the enforcement of either existing laws or the establishment of new laws that have teeth. Even if Federal Laws are deficient and remain that way for a while, states and cities can “do a California” or “ A San Francisco” as we have seen CA or CA city specific legislation on automobile emissions and sanctuary cities.

    It is through the unhindered exchange of ideas that our society can continue to develop and grow.
    #89     Jul 25, 2019
  10. Cuddles


    depends on your definition of "ok", but it absolutely is OK under the law. Political affiliation is not a protected class. Trumpklins would be wise to remember that when the Pendulum comes swinging.
    #90     Jul 25, 2019