I used to be a Democrat

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LacesOut, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. UsualName


    The problem with your theory is that the modern Republican Party has an anemic representation of black voters.

    So tell me why is that?
    #61     Jun 24, 2019

  2. Simple.

    The dem party has the free stuff.

    The republicans less so.
    #62     Jun 24, 2019
  3. LacesOut


    Identity Politics..
    Telling blacks, hispanics, and even low IQ Beta White People that Republicans are just raysissss is very effective and persuasive.
    Certainly not because it's true....

    All the while, Dem run cities have huge minority populations that continue to crumble and they offer zero improvement for their constituents.
    How do these Dem run cities respond to this? "Imagine what would happen if they were run by Republicans??"....

    "They'd Put Y'all Back in Chains," Says the Dem 2020 Front Runner...

    Nareshkeit - believed by the lowest IQ bidders....
    #63     Jun 24, 2019
  4. UsualName


    Unless you’re Boeing, Exxon, Johnson & Johnson then the government money is cool, right?

    Getting money from the government is a shame, unless you’re rich then you’re smart.
    #64     Jun 24, 2019
  5. UsualName


    You’re a simpleton. The single most influential voter in the democrat party is the African American woman. It’s not white people choosing dem nominees. Black women set the agenda so how can their issues be identity politics.

    I’d like to remind you support a guy who claimed he would build a 1300 mile long, 30 foot high wall Mexico would pay for. Not only was that never going to happen, it’s a stupid idea on its face.
    #65     Jun 24, 2019
    futurecurrents and Tony Stark like this.
  6. Well, all of those points may or may not be valid and probably make for a response to some other thread.

    But you asked why "the modern republican party has an anemic representation of black voters" and I replied that it is because the other party is handing out more free stuff. Whether Boeing is getting more or less is probably not a factor in black voting.

    I am sure that your comments are good stuff though, so I will save them if we should ever have a post that goes with it.
    #66     Jun 24, 2019
  7. LacesOut


    Sure...it didn’t help Hilary Clinton or Stacy Abrams to win...but sure, they are important.
    But notice how you’ve keyed on the very critical point I made.


    Identity politics rule the day for Dems.
    Because they can’t campaign on their records or actual policy - they can only defer to race and sex.
    #67     Jun 24, 2019
  8. UsualName


    Here’s the 112th gop congress:


    You guys talk about identity politics like the GOP isn’t the ultimate identity political machine.

    What is the overwhelming race and sex in this picture, class?
    #68     Jun 25, 2019
  9. GOP Class picture 2019

    #69     Jun 25, 2019
    Cuddles likes this.
  10. LacesOut


    thanks moron..
    80% of people who run for office are white males...

    Why is the NBA so rayssisss?
    Check out the All star team, as voted on by the fans...


    #70     Jun 25, 2019