I understand PMCC but is there a poor mans writing puts?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by klattermusen, May 27, 2022.

  1. I like the idea of collecting premium on writing puts I'd be ok with owning. So is there a put version of a poor mans covered call? With pmcc you buy leaps way way out and sell the near term calls. It's 6am pst so i maybe sounding incoherent but i hope you all get my questions...

    like COST 380 puts were $2 yesterday (high iv pre earns)....how could i have done a "PUT Write concept" of a pmcc on that...

    Last edited: May 27, 2022
  2. Buy a put with far out expiration and sell puts with closer in expirations lol?
    klattermusen likes this.
  3. Not PMCP, but:

    ZPW (Toronto exchange); and

    Appear to be put-write type funds - the results appear to be be pretty mediocre at best.

    I wonder why. I remember reading that of various option strategies, writing puts had the best results.
  4. Sorry, not "put-write" funds, just sell puts over time funds.
  5. if a pmcc is buying a leap call and selling short term calls....my head is having a hard time inverting the process with puts. I want to do it with stonks i may want to own but at a lower price...thats why writing puts appeals to me..but i want to do it bigger. like carny barker size.