'I thought the bitch was white!' & 'I am the victim because Trump!'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. exGOPer


    “I thought the bitch was white! God dammit, I thought the bitch was white! Fuck!” she screamed.

    Roseanne Barr issued a bizarre video statement on Friday morningdeclaring (at a high decibels) that she thought Valerie Jarrett, the subject of a tweet that got her fired from her hit ABC show, was white.

    Barr followed up with a more coherent statement video Friday afternoon, in which she explained the behind the scenes of her firing from Roseanne.

    She started the statement out with Trumpian flair: “Hi, this is Roseanne Barr and I’d like to welcome you to my own studio, where I’m able to speak for myself to my fellow and sister Americans without the filter of the biased media.”

    “This was my statement from the very beginning, and it will continue to be forever because it is the truth,” she continued. “When ABC called and asked me to explain my ‘egregious and unforgivable tweet,’ I told them I thought Valerie Jarrett was white. And I also said I am willing to go on The View, Jimmy Kimmel, or whatever other show you want me to go on and explain that to my audience.”

    “Now, instead what happened was about 40 minutes after that my show was canceled before even one advertiser pulled out and I was labeled a racist,” she explained. Why, you ask? Well, the answer is simple. It’s because I voted for Donald Trump and that is not allowed in Hollywood.”

    For slow Cons - Not only did ABC know she voted for Trump, it was the plot of the first episode, where Roseanne and Jackie had not spoken to each other since the ELECTION.
  2. exGOPer


    Since we are talking SJWs
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