"I thought getting a job would be a snap"

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noob_trad3r, May 17, 2011.

  1. So when will the college tuition bubble burst? Now the the gov is the only one lending for college, I guess never.
    #31     May 18, 2011
  2. S2007S


    They do start between 38-45k but I know of teachers making over $100k a year, I know of another person who is in their 6th year of teaching with a masters making $75k a year and they receive a bit more than 1% annual increases, also remember they only work 180 days a year and get tons of paid holidays off, and the teacher I know gets out around 2:30pm everyday, some teachers complain how tough their job is however don't listen to them when they complain, they are highly overpaid for what they do, just saying!!!!! Oh yea and I know of a few teachers in their mid 50's collecting huge pensions as well....
    #32     May 18, 2011
  3. S2007S


    Damn you are right on, I have said the same thing....College does nothing, you need experience, college doesnt give you job experience, all they do is hand you a text book and tell you to memorize chapters 1-27....schools in the US are a complete fucking joke, the system is not structured correctly, if you only knew what schools did to get grants from the state....
    #33     May 18, 2011
  4. Roark


    Yeah, it sucks being in the private sector. That's the problem with the economy. No jobs in the private sector because of an unfavorable regulatory environment and government just keeps getting bigger. So the only thing to do is get some stupid government job like teaching and give up all hope.
    #34     May 18, 2011
  5. jprad



    First, it depends on the degree. There are some degrees that are simply not marketable and others that will become unmarketable due to the ratio of available jobs to graduates in certain disciplines.

    Second, it depends on class standing. It doesn't matter how good the school was if you graduate in the bottom third of your class.

    Third, some schools have mindshare with certain companies, others don't, especially in the engineering and technical disciplines.

    Fourth, and worst of all, a BS is quickly becoming a bullshit degree these days. It's going to take a Masters in S or BA or a PhD. in a practical discipline to attract interest, again, with top honors from a top school.

    Or, you can punt, jump off the treadmill and venture out on your own. That is, if you have the balls, brains and confidence to lash out on your own...
    #35     May 18, 2011
  6. LEAPup


    I'm Italian. Are calling me Francesco? Lol! I agree with 'some' of what you say, but not everything!
    #36     May 18, 2011
  7. Nah,

    I am pretty sure you are a regular guy.

    My quote was from the Army movie, Stripes, circa 1980 w/Bill Murray.

    Famous quote from the movie.

    Check this movie out if you have not seen it.

    Yea; I don't have kids so maybe I don't agree with everything I wrote because I don't personally have any investment in offspring.

    #37     May 18, 2011
  8. jfranco


  9. jfranco


    #39     May 18, 2011
  10. Here is about schools (high school, etc) by a veteran school teacher who taught for over 30 years.

    The Underground History of American Education
    #40     May 18, 2011