I think Crowley & Obama Conspired To Setup Romney

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. pspr


    If the mainstream press had any self-respect, presidential debate moderator Candy Crowley would be out of work today. Even by the media-bias standards we've come to expect, she set a new, unforgivable low.

    In a pre-debate interview with the Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik, Crowley talked about how she saw her role as moderator.

    "These are two grown men," she said, "and if there are two grown men who should know what's going on, or what should go on in this country, it's them. So I'm not sure either of them needs me to defend them or go after the other guy or whatever."

    But that's precisely what Crowley did at Tuesday's debate. She constantly defended Obama and went after the other guy. If you don't believe it, read the transcript.

    Crowley repeatedly interrupted Romney — 28 times by one count vs. 9 for Obama — and cut Romney off when he was scoring points against Obama.

    #11     Oct 18, 2012
  2. LEAPup


    So true!!!!

    Anyone with an above room temperature IQ who watched the 2nd debate KNEW that fat hog was Ocommunist's little pal. I'd say her actions backfired, and only helped Romney that much more. It's a sad state of affairs when he had to debate the moderator too.:mad:
    #12     Oct 18, 2012