i think christian powers that be secretly love obama.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. its a bonanza: check out the last paragraph:

    An Email From The Cornwall Alliance
    Restoring the Glory, Dignity, and Purpose of People in God’s Created Order.
    First it was the demand that religious organizations provide health insurance for contraception and abortion.

    Next it was Presidential support for same-sex “marriage.”

    Then, shockingly, it was the Supreme Court upholding a health care law that, among other travesties, will ration life-saving medical treatments and provide taxpayer funding for abortion on demand.

    And through it all, families are hurting and countless jobs are being lost as America’s bountiful energy resources are locked away and burdensome new regulations are passed all based on false claims of environmental crisis.

    Is there any solution?

    I believe the answer is a resounding Yes!

    With YOUR help on an urgent campaign in several initial states, I believe we can begin to turn the tide on some of the most critical issues facing America…

    …and even gain a powerful new pathway for advancing the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    What is the key?

    Helping people understand that we are made In His Image!

    I know it sounds too simple.

    But I believe this foundational Biblical truth could open the door to a monumental shift in how our society views a host of important issues.

    Genesis 1:27 reveals the essence of man: the image of God, male and female. 

Genesis 1:28 reveals the mission of man: to be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth, and subdue and rule over it.
    These well-known but largely ignored verses tell us who we are, and why we are here.

    They tell us why:

    •Abortion and euthanasia are immoral.
    •Marriage is between one man and one woman.
    •Sexual promiscuity and homosexuality destroy individuals, families, and society.
    •Overpopulation is a myth, and population control is dangerous.
    •Earth stewardship, not radical environmentalism, is the path to the flourishing of humanity and all life on Earth.
    •People are the greatest natural resource of all.
    And best of all, these verses open the door to explaining to a lost generation how we can be restored to true image-bearing through salvation in Jesus Christ.
    Before America heads to the polls this November to shape our nation’s future for the near and possibly even long term, I need your help to launch the Cornwall Alliance’s critical “In His Image 2012” campaign in several states.

    Please don’t misunderstand.

    Our aim here is not primarily political. Instead, we intend “In His Image 2012” to be the launch of an ongoing, multi-year effort to completely reshape the way Americans, and then people around the world, think of human beings and our role on Earth – to reassert the sanctity of human life and sexuality, the beauty and centrality of marriage, the goodness of human multiplication, and the dignity of human work and godly dominion over the Earth.
    – a new “Gideon’s Army,” so to speak – willing to generously donate $28 per month for our “In His Image 2012” campaign.

    Just 300 people contributing a tax-deductible gift of $28 per month will provide the budget to help us:

    •Reach over 500 churches in 10 states, and conduct special pastors’ briefings, beginning with a few states and, God willing, spreading nationwide.
    •Educate political leaders in our nation’s capital and state legislatures.
    •Reach out to over 2,500 reporters and producers in the mainstream and Christian media.
    •Provide study guides and materials to teachers, students, and laymen in select states about the grave dangers of the Green radical environmental agenda, and the blessings of genuinely Biblical Earth stewardship.
    •Begin to develop an evangelism program based on Genesis 1:27-28 which uses environmental issues as a platform for the Gospel, and shows how true image-bearing can only occur through a relationship with the perfect Image of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Please click here to sign up for an automatic tax-deductible donation of just $28 per month, or whatever you can afford, to help us defend and promote these foundational Biblical truths.