I Solved The Horse Betting Problems.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by MarkBrown, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. you're right. why should I expose bullshit before it has a chance to splatter all over you.

    I'm not Mother Theresa, so I could really care less that fraud is attempted on a regular basis.

    As a gesture of good faith , I'll let you in on that Zimbabwe money offer, and you can report back on your 49 out of 50 winners.

    PS Not one winner posted yet, not even 1. Just 1 Brown, one tiny winner. C'mon, you have a 98% chance of being right. Don't be afraid of being discredited, you have nothing to lose.

    omg It ran last!!!!!!!
    #81     Mar 12, 2010
  2. MarkBrown


    dear stock777,

    if you really read my post you would see i have practically given out the method. i have dropped every clue and i think some here who have mentioned other methods in some obscure books. i even mentioned the author of the method i was inspired by. before you post some more comments stop and think that perhaps i have posted my bets already.

    could you let your mind think that for a moment i have indeed posted the winners i picked? how you may ask since you have seen no horses names and races given by me - then how could i have given you the winner picks? this is so easy to overlook that if you have no penchant for paying attention to detail - it went right over your head.

    since you will obviously never get it on your own - i will stall until tomorrow evening to post my picks to win. of course prior to leaving for the races. maybe you can use your mind to do something constructive rather than destructive and figure it out. now here's the catch i am going to pm all my picks to those who have been decent to me but to you nothing.

    you don't need my picks anyway - like i said i have already given them to you - you just haven't opened your eyes to see them.

    btw - the nfa basic search you can do on me shows a long industry association with many firms and no blemishes at all so can we check your record? living in a glass house are we and that's why your anonymous and bitter - you were reprimanded by the industry most likely - i got everything else correct about you.
    #82     Mar 12, 2010
  3. MarkBrown


    i just looked over the 9k post made by stock777 what it tells is that he does not watch the markets open so he must be a lazy investor and not a trader. why? because his first post of the day are around 10:30am. this most likely means he has to be somewhere each morning, like school crossing guard or school bus driver. doing this to supplement his social security and forced early retirement.

    he dribbles out a few post every now and then at lunch time and returns to post almost certainly like cock work shortly after 4:00pm each day. virtually nothing then till after 6:00pm and then mostly silent until seldom posting around 10:00pm to 12:00 midnight. so there is definitely something that has ole 777 tied down kinda like a retired air line pilot (777) who lost all his money in the company (Stock) could that be stock777?

    when he got laid off around early 2000 he was suckered into several of many trading system broker assisted programs. he most likely made some good money right away and proceeded to diversify himself right out of all his money. never wanting to actually learn how to trade himself he relied upon others to make him money. if you read his post he has never talked about trading methodology other than to bash it and the entire kill zone within proximity.

    so what you have is a disgruntled sour grapes well educated person of privileged upbringing. who lost all his money to broker assisted trading systems over a period of time. most likely after he lost a chunk of his money on company stock. this erosion of his money forced him to supplement his income with a part time job and his lack of funds. has now forced him to self medicate each and every day on this forum. see he has no choice but to bash and belittle other than ....... kapow :(
    #83     Mar 12, 2010
  4. No comment Needed


    PS Mark Brown, 70 years old failed system seller without the funds to buy a replacement keyboard with a working Caps key.

    Did I nail it?
    #84     Mar 12, 2010
  5. MarkBrown


    nope as far off as your idea i am a scammer somehow.

    you seem to be misguided into thinking i am in a position to where public opinion impacts my income or something? no individual controls my source of income nor what they think so i am truly a free man who can say fuck you using my real name and not give a shit what anyone thinks.

    you cannot say the same can you stock777 slave to the system? hide yourself little person with issues who has NEVER posted a positive post on et EVER cause your a bitter loser who will not take responsibility for farting away your life savings to a system vendor. how was work this morning, nice commute?

    btw i sent my winner picks to ammo already.
    #85     Mar 12, 2010
  6. There are quite a lots of snake oil salesmen in here actually.

    The dumb ones are obvious. There are a lot of inconsistencies in their proposition and it is easy to figure out.

    The smart ones are not as obvious, and it usually require us a bit of time to figure them out. The problem is that it does take some research and some experience to see the inconsistencies in their proposition.

    Mr. Brown, with his website, I would presume he wanted us to perceive him to be a wealthy men, because wealth attract suckers (which is the nature of the world and in trading). He claimed that he solved the horse betting problem and can consistently make money, and probably wanted to share his strategy with others.

    I don't know why he wanted to do that, but if I was in his shoes, I would keep quiet and accumulate my wealth. I just don't see the motive in sharing solution/strategy. It's fine if he wanted to tell world that he finally solved the problem, but it's another thing if he wanted to share his solution to others, and possibly charge a fee later once he gain their confidence.
    #86     Mar 12, 2010
  7. No one is fooled by Brown, cept a few canucks.
    #87     Mar 12, 2010
  8. Mr. Brown can you send me your picks too please?
    #88     Mar 12, 2010
  9. [​IMG]
    #89     Mar 12, 2010
  10. Anyone who read Bacon's book knows about the nature of turf betting and how it affect risk:reward. To win is not to focus just on winners, but on the risk:reward as well. If he picks the winners now, then it may show that he is not taking risk:reward into consideration.
    #90     Mar 12, 2010