I sold 10 SPY put contracts SZC OW

Discussion in 'Options' started by noob_trad3r, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Have seen this business model before...

    #11     Feb 21, 2009
  2. nome


    Are there any situations where someone would want to exercise a put early? Not being snarky I'm genuinely curious. I thought about it and could only come up with one. If someone already owned the underlying, no dividends, the put was DITM with no extrinsic value, they wanted to free up capital, and it was cheaper commissions to exercise. This has never happened to me so I didn't think of it when I typed my last post. I probably should have said OTM puts.

    BTW noob_trad3er how are those puts doing? You sweating bullets yet?
    #12     Feb 23, 2009
  3. If you were worried buying some deep OTM puts as a hedge isn't a bad trade either. P&L can work out pretty favorable if there's a huge move.

    Either way looks like you're doin better so far tonight.
    #13     Feb 23, 2009
  4. heheh

    Wow the 65 puts closed at 1.09 volume 28507

    50 puts are 12 cents 500 contracts would net you 6000 buckaroos.

    I wonder how bad the economy will have to get for S&P to drop to 500 by the third week of march.
    #14     Feb 23, 2009