I Salute you Greenie

Discussion in 'Economics' started by EqtTrdr, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. So the trade deficit expands, and he's to blame? Eh, when you buy things, where do you think they're made? You ought to blame your manufacturers for moving jobs overseas.

    Federal deficit expands and Greenie blamed? Eh, thank you Reagan and Bush.

    Thanks for the article, it should be added to the sunday comics.
    #11     Jan 29, 2006
  2. Cheese


    Well, hell, what a gripping yarn by Bill Bonner - as a fancy story I liked every bit of it.

    But heres my question for dear old Bill: hey extra smart f**k, what was your alternative 18 years ago and whats your alternative right NOW. Then get a majority of Amercans to vote for it.
    #12     Jan 29, 2006
  3. What moderation?
    #13     Jan 29, 2006
  4. Come on now, The Fed is run & owned by the big banks who also have their bidding done by the government.

    This country and pretty much the world is run by big business cartels. Banking, IMO is the most powerful although the energy, pharma, media & food have their very key & important roles also. It's all a big group, so to blame Greenspan alone is simply ignorant. He was there to perform a role which he did quite well since his speeches were purposely hard to decipher yet gave many key clues. He kept up the charade long enough and it may continue for years and years to come and that is what's important.

    The easy money faucet was turned on during Reagonomics which mainly pushed for big business corporates to expand & grow under the pretense of job creation. Thats how the seed for the huge corporations, particularly financial ones, was planted. Look at the big banks, Citicorp, Banc of America, Chase, those blossomed into global powerhouses with Reagan's policies.
    #14     Jan 30, 2006