I remember 3 or 4 years ago stumbling on ET & thinking there's something special about this place

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by komorebi, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. komorebi


    Three or four years on and my opinion hasn't changed. In fact that initial thought / feeling / sense has been accentuated after hundreds of hours spent reading posts and becoming more familiar with the members here.

    What's terrific is the zero barrier of entry, and yet access to not only the thousands of reams of historical posts, many containing gems, but also the real opportunity to communicate directly with multi-decade seasoned, 10k per day, multi-million and even hundred million dollar career traders.

    So, this hasn't been a question, a suggestion nor a complaint. It isn't a feature request, nor is it a bug report. Pure gratitude, that's all. Thank you to all involved.

    * Currently scrolling through charts, with Edwards & Magee open on the desk, and ET loaded up on two monitors... 0130 local time.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    Baron likes this.
  2. Redneck


    The great equalizer my friend....

    We all put our pants on one leg at a time

    And more poignantly - from one trade to the next - none of us ever know ;)

  3. komorebi



    For entertainment:


    The down side is it requires two men to hold open your jeans.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  4. God, that's huge -- when I first started trading...I remember I would get stressed as hell when I gained/lost $100. then it was $1,000.
    Something about the psychological barrier of whole round numbers seems to mess with your head. :confused:

    But you mentioned "career traders"...that's a different (easier) story. It's not your money you're playing with, and you get paid either way....if you do good, then that's just the icing on the cake. I wouldn't haven been 'stressed as hell' if I was trading other people's money, and had nothing on the line...only to gain.
  5. komorebi


    Not that it really matters, but by "career" I meant retail trader rather than institutional - as in over the course of one's trading career. Could have worded it better.

    Agree with your points about firm money vs personal, and you're ahead of me with regards to your 000... pain threshold!
  6. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Thanks so much for the positive feedback! :D
    komorebi likes this.
  7. Well stated.

    Pls name the 10K/day traders:eek:
  8. komorebi


    It's not my intention to mess you around, but it would be ungentlemanly / poor trading forum etiquette / not my place to name. In reality, without accessing accounts it's speculation anyway, so can't claim to know. But after a time, if you read enough posts it should in some cases at least become clear as day.

    Does having this information serve any purpose? Yeah: inspiration, a yardstick, a glimmer of light, particularly on those shadowy days.

    Should much time be spent on this? No, not much.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015