I nominate user ( I am….Jesus ) as the most wise.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by infooo, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. The most wise ......what?
    Person, poster, etherial reincarnate spiritual body, or communicator?

    Calling people a "user" isnt necessarily polite.:p

    Id be surprised if he/her/it/ them/they/us/we? isnt published already.......ive always found books around the subject matter to be far too verbose, brevity is good.

    I dislike having to deconstruct a half page post, just to discover there were only 3 or 4 meaningfull keywords in it.

    Regardless of the utterly nonsensical nature of spiritual debate, i guess i have to say theres been some good paragraphs.
    But i wouldnt be surprised at all, if it were mr hersheys evil twin locked in a basement somewhere........anyone notice the similiaraties in style and layout?
    #11     Mar 26, 2007
  2. [btw - Always translate "Son of God" to include you and everyone else - equally - in your natural state of being...powerful, as you were Created. Unless you do so nothing I say will make any sense at all. As soon as you do, your eyes will open.]

    Actually, the "last judgement" is about ending judgement. After all, judgement got the Son of God into this fix, so not judging is the way out. The "last judgement" is a process in which each, er, "judge", weans himself off everyone's favorite drug of choice: judgement.

    What I'm saying is that humanity is the effect of judgements already made by the Son of God regarding himself. Regarding himself as fragmented, a world arises in which this judgement is proven by its witnesses. Of course, all the witnesses to separation - such as bodies - are false.

    Judgement is a way of looking at the Son of God - reality - in a way that makes a graven image - form - out of formlessness.

    Judgement can never change reality or truth, but it can change how you see yourself. Seeing the Son of God as a body, you must also be a body. Seeing him blind, you must be blind. Seeing him toothless, you must be toothless. Seeing him die, you must also die. See him powerless, and you must be powerless. Seeing him rise, you must also rise. See him wise, you must also be wise. You see? Like it or not, that's just how Oneness works. Be glad it works this way or you'd be up a creek without a paddle.

    Because Oneness prevails over individualism, there isn't a single judgement anyone can make about anyone else that does not have effect on his perception of himself. Potentially, this has trapped the Son of God in a body, forever suffering. Unable to judge without making his situation worse, a Judge was provided for him, to guide his way out of a jam. Through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, the Son of God is able to "judge" his way out of a labyrinthian house of mirrors of his own making...without judging! Get it?

    Pascals wager, and any variation of it, are behaviors stemming from warped perceptions about reality. These are fear-based decisions, the same as gave rise to this warped illusion called "the universe". They are judgements about the "last judgement". Read on and realize such judgements are mistakes, like every other mistake that led to the making of this universe.

    What's called "the universe" rose in the mind of the Son of God due to 50-50 hedging between truth and illusion. But you can't have both, so your experience is going to be 100% illusion. The rest is "history" because time itself is an illusion, completely incompatible with the eternal truth.

    Hedge, and you will simply experience more of the same. Hedging is a judgement giving rise to doubt and fear. A house cannot be built on both rock and sand. You know it will fall regardless of insurance policies. A rider cannot ride two horses. Truth and illusion have nothing to do with each other, they are so completely incompatible.

    There is nothing to be afraid of. As long as you think there is, you will miscreate. This universe is a miscreation of fear. Hedging won't help you. You must decide in favor of reality...in favor of your identity as the Son of God...fearless, holy, innocent, with all power in Heaven and earth....with all power to recognize reality, and forget illusion.

    The last judgement will be against judgement itself. It may take a million more years and countless various incarnations. So what? It will happen. It has happened. Time has been adjusted. It seems not to have happened for you because you still underestimate - judge - yourself and your indispensably unassailable membership within the Holy Trinity. Doing so, you underestimate - judge - the Holy Trinity, and every member in it.

    The process of separating the "goats" from the "sheep" is simply to distinguish - among all the thoughts running around in your head - between the true and the false...between the real and the unreal. This judgement process is guided by the Holy Spirit who does the judging for you. In this way, you are able to restore your mind to sanity, without making any more judgements. Sound like a plan? It is the plan of salvation.

    Try this little test. See how it proves my point. I challenge all hedgers to look in the mirror, or at any body. Now, disregarding the body, imagine a reality beyond. Be still, and speak to this reality saying:

    Behold the Son of God. I look upon your purity and holiness and offer thanks to our Father that no guilt has ever touched you.

    Now extend this to apply to any and every character ever to walk the face of the earth...disregarding appearances of bodies and behaviors. Can you? Yes you can!

    The world you see is relative to your ability to say this without hedging, without hesitating. Be honest, and realize you are having difficulty with it. This, my brother, is proof that you do not see the Son of God as he is...and is the reason why you see yourself as a body within time and space, a passing cloud within an upside down world of mad happenstance, doomed to die.

    This is your judgement of the Son of God, and so of yourself. All your fear is the fear of yourself...and your power. What power? The power to make a prison for himself as big as the universe and as small as a body...all in the blink of an eye. Yet, by the same power, you may set yourself free.

    Till this is corrected, you will not be ready to hear similar words spoken to you by the Father. Such is the "last judgement" everyone is hedging against! : "You are my beloved Son, holy, free, and innocent. Where is the world now?"

    I say again, "Fear not!"

    #12     Mar 27, 2007
  3. What?
    #13     Mar 27, 2007
  4. The price is the ability to see your "soul" correctly. You can never lose it, but you can lose sight of it.

    #14     Mar 27, 2007
  5. I said what I meant, and meant what I said. So yes, you heard me correctly. It's a jaw dropper. I can only attempt to explain it better, if asked. The facts remain the same.

    #15     Mar 27, 2007

  6. Reminds me of a great take off of rambo, in mad magazine, dont recall the issue.

    "I mean what i say, and i say what i mean. Know what i mean?'

    Jawdropper, huh? I dont know what on earth your talking about.

    Im a factual sort of person, and i saw a doco the other night, on sumeria.
    At face value, it appears practically everything in both ancient hebrew scripts, and bible type work, was lifted, plagaiarised extensively from both the mythology of sumeria, and the laws of hammurabi.

    The doco also suggested quite plainly, (and archeological evidence, for a change, implies) the sumerians actually wore a sheepskin skirt , and that a number of there sacred ornaments depict a horned "thing", be it a person, a bull substract, a lunar symbol or similiar.

    Point being, if this evidence is even remotely accurate, then we have the god pan, the symbolism of horned pagan devils, and virtually every significant myth and all of the laws of the entire freaking bible, right there.

    Except for one thing-there isnt anything at all to suggest, the ancient hebrew scholars, or latter scholars , were even aware of hammurabis texts, or the general culture of sumeria.

    Yet it apears they must have been, to the extent the symbology of this culture in fact pervaded all that came afterward, from greek culture, from ancient hebrew, to all of the supposed christian bollocks.

    I know you would have an interesting take on that, im sure.

    But how can it be, short of sheer ignorance, all these threads came together, in such a manner.
    #16     Mar 27, 2007
  7. The guy is correct, the Bible is wrong, its purpose is to (put you to sleep) .At the same time the World is created to the Bible code.
    #17     Mar 27, 2007
  8. infooo


    this is what I am talking about,

    pure gold
    #18     Mar 27, 2007
  9. u should have made a poll about I Am..

    agreed tho, hes a wise fella. look up his posts in the money masters thread, especially the first ones...surprisingly enlightening.
    #19     Mar 27, 2007
  10. man


    he definitely has most time ...
    #20     Mar 27, 2007