I LOVE taxes!!!

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by granville, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. You're a funny guy man make sure you stay in touch... Yeah I remember it best when I was trying to get Financial Aid for school and I wasn't able to get as much money as alot of other people because my parents had jobs... The funny thing was my father's job was going into the toilet at TRW and my mother worked as a teacher and still couldn't do much but live paycheck to paycheck from paying bills and taxes... Well fortunately I decided to rebel and I became a SPAM KING.... I probably still have some of you guys old email addresses...Mind you I'm strictly opt-in these days as a professional internet marketer... But I think I may have sent out at least 1 billion if not 2 billion emails the month of December 2003 right up until the 31st 11:59 P.M. .... Needless to say I had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D
    #51     Oct 7, 2005
  2. I think the only reason I would love taxes is, it would mean I was making money.
    #52     Oct 7, 2005
  3. Josh009


    spam, eh? before i started trading i was in IT... i used to come up with new ways of blocking YOUR spam!
    well, we all have to make a living (or go sec. 8)
    #53     Oct 7, 2005
  4. Isn't that right...Hmmm so you use to be one of those nasty guys trying to stop me... I got news for your former IT team... As long as I've got a programmer that knows Inline ASM, C, and LISP working for me... There isn't anything you could do to stop me...
    Of course like I said no more spam for me... And I haven't had a job since I was about 17 So I did way more than make a living my friend...

    P.S. If you got some computer science knowledge you'd be far better off working for yourself if you picked up on any serious math about the markets... Of course its just my opinion... I just know there are alot better things to use my programmer for than spam now!
    #54     Oct 7, 2005
  5. jason_l


    before i got custody of my son, he was living with his mother. She made only about 20k or so a yr, so she got medicaid benefits for him. He saw a pediatrician regularly, no problems. She also paid only 60/month for FT day care, the government picked up the rest. I got custody when he was 3 months, and that same day care jumped to 850/ month!

    My point is this: "poor" people DO have medical benefits: medicaid, etc. Then again, these programs are ran by the government, so they leave a lot to be desired.
    #55     Oct 7, 2005
  6. Hamlet


    Why must I be a Republican? It's about economics and common sense, not political parties. It's about local people taking responsibility for their own problems.

    You say the war in Iraq is utter stupidity. I'm glad you said that because it exposes the hypocrisy of your thoughts in a beautiful way. Consider the war in Iraq as analogous to having fixed the levies before a disaster occurs. In Iraq the Govt is doing it's job of engaging terrorists on foreign soil before they get here (case in point the NYC subway threat this week), and attempting to bring som estability to a region that is vital to the world. You call that stupidity, yet at the same time you expected the Govt to fix up your own backyard while the locals just sat there over the past 75 years just waiting for something to happen.
    #56     Oct 7, 2005
  7. bighog

    bighog Guest

    The USA is going the way of the Romans, Greeks, British Empire etc.

    Those who think this is STILL the great society it once WAS are intellectually dishonest with themself. how can anyone not see the truth as it stares them in the face?
    #57     Oct 7, 2005
  8. If you love taxes so much, want to pay mine? Yeah, I didn't think so.
    #58     Oct 7, 2005
  9. Josh009


    Didn't the terrorists engage us on our soil first?

    Actually, I think it's really a chicken/egg question. 9/11, the first wtc bombing in '93, first gulf war, Ollie North...all of these may have caused or been caused by terrorism of some sort, in some part of the world, and it all came back to bite us in the ass.

    And as for the war in Iraq, doesn't it look like we've lit the fuse to a civil war, and we're still standing in the middle of the battlefield? Isn't that reminiscent of the French involvement in the American Revolution? And after, what happened to the French?
    #59     Oct 8, 2005
  10. The USA is the #1 arms dealer and manufacturer the world and supplies many rogue regimes. Stop doing that and I guarantee that terrorist attacks in the USA will stop forever.
    This goes waaaaaay back, it's all about the money.

    Can anyone here name one country that the US brought "democracy" to?

    How does bombing Iraq towns and their water/power plants, creating a crisis equal to in New Orleans, every other week, and rouding up people with no hope of a fair demorcatic trial, bring stability to the region?

    Afgahanistan remains the #1 or #2 top drug producing country in the world...all under the watchful eye of the US...how's that war on drugs going?

    In summary this is a war of the rich vs. the poor. Rich countries invading poor countries. The Rich - Bechtel, Halliburton, Carlyle etc - getting richer.
    War Vertrans having their benefits cut. Poor getting poorer.

    This cost is borne by the poor - Halliburton is not fronting a penny for this war...

    "Iraq war now costing $6 billion a month: The paper by the Congressional Research Service underscores how the price tag has been gradually rising for the war in Iraq. A year ago, the Pentagon was calculating its average monthly costs in that conflict at below $5 billion — an amount the research service says has now grown close to $6 billion."
    #60     Oct 8, 2005