I LOVE taxes!!!

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by granville, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. taodr


    I have news for you.... I HATE TAXES !!!!!
    #11     Oct 6, 2005
  2. Hamlet


    Taxes are fine to support the military and other ESSENTIALS. Not to pay for all the pork and special interest crap.

    Not to mention the fiasco of the Katrina aftermath. We have to pay Billions and Billions because a state was mired in corruption and never built the proper levies it needed to protect it's own citizens and property. I guess they were slick enough to know that the federal government would be there to bail them out when the inevitable happened, so why not use the money for their own agendas.

    We have to throw Billions at this problem now to save political face and overcompensate after the media showed some hungry and thirsty career welfarees doing a performance for the cameras. Just calculate the amount of money, per person affected, that is being sent down there.
    #12     Oct 6, 2005
  3. jrlvnv


    I feel the tax system on trading/investing is unfair also. Not that i can do anything about it though. Just think of it... I put my already taxed dollars on the line. I put up all the risk and the government makes 20%-30% IF and i do mean IF i make money. If I lose money heh.. I can claim 3k a year for a million years or so to get even which saves me about 500 a year. I say let us all trade. Win or lose.... Leave me alone and u can keep your 3k a year deduction, but that won't happen. Just a dream though. I guess best way to do it is trading is futures trading in a Roth but not sure if that is allowed and wait 30 years to cash it out :)
    #13     Oct 6, 2005

  4. I'd applaud your statement if you could hear me... I don't wish to flame poor Adam here anymore, but mind you this can't be a man that has much money yet... I'm sure you'll be on the other side of the fence soon if you feel that passionate about trading... I myself have no problem paying the taxes owed of me but just look at how the IRS did me last year....:eek:

    Notice how I pretend to not care much anymore:(

    And Hamlet how true about the Katrina thing... That's why I'm about ready to jump ship now... Have you seen the look on some of the politicians faces when they get asked what they're going to do now...:confused:
    #14     Oct 6, 2005
  5. The top 10% pay 53% of all taxes paid. You bottom 90% pay the other 47% So really the little guys should be taxed more to make it even, dont you think?
    #15     Oct 7, 2005
  6. zdreg


    let's not forget the 100 per cent tax in the
    United States. if you get scik they expect you to spend your asets till you are improvished.
    #16     Oct 7, 2005
  7. jbt


    That becuase top 10% own 99% if all the wealth, so to make it fair we should tax the wealthy more don't you think?
    #17     Oct 7, 2005
  8. You have it all wrong, you must be a Republican. The Deep South is pretty poor, it is up to the Federal Govt to do massive projects like shoring up the Gulf Coast. The Army Core of Engineeres has a budget to do just that, but it has a low budget that gets cut every year. If the Federal Govt paid a few billion to make proper levies, then they wouldnt have to pay $200 billion now, incidently they have spent close to $300 Billion already in the war in Iraq, just to get rid of one guy. Talk about utter stupidity.
    #18     Oct 7, 2005
  9. Quote from OrderBlaster:

    Arrrrr ...ain't that sweet! You've traveled a "little bit" and hold in reverence the U.S. tax system? Where'd you go ...Nigeria?

    You wanna see a decent system? Try Switzerland. Low income tax and zero cap gains tax.


    Everywhere, clean and modern with low crime.

    It used to be true...but going slowly down now.

    Federal government irrelevant because cantons (states) run the show. One of the wealthiest nations per capita on the planet. A "voice"? Try referendums. That's right, anything of significant national interest always goes to the people. The Swiss are too smart to trust their politicians.

    Very true. Financing of of politicians is quite obscure and most of them have a seat as an administrator of a company...lobbying is the masterword in swiss politics...

    That's real democracy in action! Public schools? ...best around. They actually have standards. Kids come out of high school speaking three languages and don't even think about it.

    Not really true. The average level in all those three languages is not very high. However the school system is still one of the best in Europe.

    How do they finance such services like top quality public transport and schools with low taxation? Cos they don't piss money around the place for no reason that's why. As for privacy, it isn't just a right in Switzerland - it's enshrined in law. Compare that to the U.S.

    Totally true, and that's really the thing I LOVE about Switzerland : PRIVACY.

    One other thing ..the Swiss don't go wearing their patriotism on their sleeve by pronouncing that they live in the best country in the world either! Must be a cultural thing ....

    In reaction to some arrogant people here around, yes, I'm always pleased to tell them they are not the best and the richest...
    #19     Oct 7, 2005

  10. I don't know where you get that the top 10% pay 53% of all taxes from. Is it 53% of their total income, or it's just 53% of the total tax collected. If they account 53% of the total tax collected, that's less that than 1% of their income.

    I was watching CNBC around the tax season, and they were doing an interview on why Corporate America pay no tax. Warren Buffett was on, and CNBC asked why his companies only paid a 2% tax, and he countered that most companies pay nothing.
    #20     Oct 7, 2005