I have found the Holy Grail!!!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by stanbic123, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. You will burn in HELL !!!
    #11     Feb 2, 2008
  2. No my friend I am not being delusional. If I had been trading for 6 months, yes then I would need a straitjacket...I just wanted to share my experience with the elitetrader community and to encourage those that may be struggling out there that persistance and hardwork does really pay off, with a bit of luck sometimes.
    I know there will be some who will try to shoot me down, I am not offended. It is to be expected. I mean this is elitetrader...But be that as it may, I know what I know and for me my journeys end is here and from now onwards trading will be joyous experience and not a tortuous one!
    #12     Feb 2, 2008
  3. Oh yes my good man for $4,999 I will share....:D No seriously It was just me really happy about what had happened and sharing my thoughts and feelings. But one thing I can add is that when your trading becomes effortless, when you dont feel like you are struggling or chasing profits, then you are on your way.
    #13     Feb 2, 2008
  4. instead of writing all this useless stuff, why dont you actually tell us what sudden enlightenment you had looking at the numbers.
    #14     Feb 2, 2008
  5. With that kind of attitude would I want to share my enlightenment with you sir? I think not...
    #15     Feb 2, 2008
  6. JBTrade


    Perhaps you finally realized what was holding you back all that time, and saw the same mistake you were constantly making over and over again. In that case I am happy to hear that you have solved your problem and become a profitable trader. However, overcoming the obstacle between you and your success does not qualify as finding the holey grail.

    That phrase, as it relates to trading, inherently implies that it is something that does not exist… its just a bad choice of words. Making a claim such as this just begs for argument. If you had just said that you had a personal epiphany, as it relates to your own trading, you probably would have been met with more congratulatory remarks.

    By the way, I know it is sometimes difficult to interpret a person’s intentions when communicating through text, as there is no facial expression or tone of voice. So I want you to know that my intention is not to be hostile - and I am actually quite curious to know exactly what this revelation of yours was, or more importantly, what you were actually doing wrong in the first place.

    I would also like to offer a warning; your choice of words in regard to “generating signals” concerns me; as it suggests that perhaps you believe to have found the perfect set of indicators with the perfect settings, or something along those lines… If this is in fact the case, then I would advise you to cease what you are doing, because it is extremely likely that you will just end up losing all the money you made plus more, especially when considering your extreme level of confidence in which ever method you’re using.

    There is no holey grail in regard to trading. If you truly believe to have found it, you are treading in very dangerous waters.
    #16     Feb 2, 2008
  7. rcj


    #17     Feb 2, 2008
  8. JBTrade


    You know, I just realized that I misspelled “holy” as “holey“ which implies that something is full of holes rather than being of a sacred religious nature. However, rather than editing my post to correct the spelling error, I realized that this description is actually the most fitting.

    Just a thought.
    #18     Feb 2, 2008
  9. my lord and savior....what kind of enlightenment did you have?
    #19     Feb 2, 2008
  10. how dare you -- dont ever mess with My Name.
    #20     Feb 2, 2008