I have bought Al Brooks' Trading Course

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Visaria, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. out 1891.5 for +4.5
    #731     Sep 30, 2015
  2. Good day on ES
    #732     Sep 30, 2015
  3. wrbtrader



    Yeah, my fault. I know someone in person via the last name Viscario that I grew up with.

    What does that mean...near to automated as possible ?

    For example, you saying like you manually enter your trades but exit them via automation or you saying you automated your entries and then manually exit your trades.

    Yeah, that's the thing about discretionary trade methods with rules. You can use it as is or you can make changes to it so that it better suits your trading style. In fact, its very common to see folks use the entry as is and then use their own profit target or exit strategy.

    Some see such as a flaw but I see it via the fact that a trader can not trade exactly with 100% accuracy as someone else unless its an automation trading system. The latter, you just copy his codes and then apply.

    Yet, I think that type of automation is different. Thus, you've taken his discretionary method and then you coded it. In contrast, if his method was an automated system...you only need to just copy it and apply. My point is that its possible for a discretionary trade method to be coded differently by two traders because their automation is based upon their own perspective of the discretionary trade method.

    I've seen the above in a trade journal here at ET. Someone shared their discretionary trade method and 5 different traders then coded it. They all had a different code because each made changes that suits their own personal trading style (e.g. each had different risk:rewards).
    #733     Sep 30, 2015
  4. k p

    k p

    Thank-you for the nice reply.

    Actually, as of late, I've been focusing on the other half. My biggest problem is staying in when in a winning trade. Because I'm trading a fast chart at key levels, I'm often getting into moves very early so I have a really nice R:R ratio. But because so many of my losses happened from taking trades in the worst place where price went instantly against me, I've damaged myself and fear staying in a trade too long, fearing that it will once again turn on me instantly.

    In a way, I guess I was searching for someone who could help me with this. When you discuss working with other traders, seeing how they handle the ups and downs without emotion, this is precisely what I wanted to see in live trading.

    I really enjoyed reading your history and seeing how much work was actually involved, but also, how much help you were given. I do think the learning curve these days can be much faster with the current technology, but the positive influence of being mentored by a profitable trader for months, along with being around other traders, was obviously paramount. You're absolutely right that I won't get this on ET. In many ways, I was looking for at least a slice of this, just a peek through the keyhole if you will.

    When others are jumping on me saying that I expect everything to be given to me, this couldn't be farther from the truth. I wanted a personal touch and just a glimpse through the window of consistent profitable trading. When I bring us fortydraws, lets not forget that he showed charts from 3 different platforms, and went back and forth between using candles and OHLC bars. This lack of consistency makes one be suspicious. When DbPhoenix cannot even say where he would actually enter, but goes on and on about how to trade, this is also something that a reasonably intelligent person should critically examine. So if the name of the game is consistency, if those showing stuff are not consistent, one has to be aware of this.

    Your story above ties in very well now with the 3 other stories that I have assembled. In fact, if we even include the experience of DbPhoenix, he says part of his learning process came from Therese Lo. I'm not sure what kind of involvement she had, but he often quotes her one phrase "if it doesn't go, you don't want to be there". So I'm left to assume that Db himself was in chat rooms with her or something similar.

    In essence, the conclusion I arrive at is that some sort of mentorship, or at least access to a profitable trader has been paramount to many of the consistently profitable traders here (yourself included now). So when everyone jumps on my saying that I expect it handed to me on a silver platter, they aren't being fair. I have no access to anyone else other than on ET. (unless you want to count the Online Trading Academy that keeps sending me letters... LOL)

    Anyway, I am done with this thread. Good luck to all.
    #734     Sep 30, 2015
  5. dartmus


    With enough variables almost anything can be fully automated. Brooks provides a lot of tools. My post was based on the premise I'm using objective discretion in determining which of those tools I prefer and how I want to combine them into a permanent unchangeable fixed solution. Brooks doesn't assemble everything in the same way I or someone else is likely to prefer.

    In case it's not clear, yes both entry and exit can be fully automated and paired in the same strategy. At least from my point of view and desire. Brooks doesn't desire this for himself for reasons that didn't add anything that helped me understand things better so I don't recall their exact nature. But using someone else I know as an example in place of brooks, there are creative people who for whatever reasons can't stand doing things the same way every time. They have do something new or at least slightly different each time. I have someone specific in mind and he prefers this even in business because he has add and is extremely intelligent so it makes no difference to him that money is on the line.
    #735     Sep 30, 2015
  6. EPrado


    Coming from the king of paper traders himself. Priceless.

    Actually Surf I most likely won't get to one of your meetings down here. You have annoyed me to Defcon 5. Great job dude. You annoyed yet another long time member enough to leave here.
    #736     Sep 30, 2015
    samuel11 likes this.
  7. NoDoji


    The trading books that I've derived the most benefit from clearly warn of the inherent hazards of trading and, in fact, point out the most financially dangerous pitfalls very clearly.
    #737     Sep 30, 2015
  8. NoDoji


    There was when I joined ET in 2008.
    #738     Sep 30, 2015
  9. Visaria


    defcon 5 is peace. are u saying surf has given u peace? :D
    #739     Sep 30, 2015
  10. You have overblown the impact of some very limited exposure to NoDoji that I had. I only wanted to point it out to say that there is reality attached to what she knows about price action and her ability to trade. Very talented to say the least.

    I have been on this journey for many years and have learned many things. Several things are crystal clear.

    1. I cannot trade like anyone else nor duplicate their method. How I look at the market is unique and my psychology (fear and greed) is unique.. so I need a method that best fits me.

    2. I must do the work on testing methods myself since confidence in my ability to trade is paramount to me being successful. Others can show me concepts and ideas, but I must verify and test them to build my own confidence.

    Many are trading successfully trading all kinds of methods and they can show you all day long and it is doubtful you can ever duplicate any of their results. You may pick up an idea however that you can build upon that is useful.

    So maybe looking for a mentor is just a big old waste of time . The answer lies within you and finding a mentor means they will just show you what works for them and not necessarily for you. So you will still have to do the work. And I mean lots of it.. years and years and years.

    Best to you in your journey my friend...

    #740     Sep 30, 2015
    ubo and k p like this.