I escaped cuba to leave communism and now this!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. sumosam


    I happen to be in the health care field, have worked in the US and was appauled by what I saw. When I was treated in a US emergency department, I was diagnosed but not given any treatment til I puked in the doctor's face.

    In the US, there is no health teaching. People have MI's...heart attacks, and are not given the teaching to prevent reoccurence. Many middle class diabetics don't know the first thing about managing their diabetes. Also, the public health figures in the US are in the category of the third world. Now, yes, for a small minority, US healthcare is superior. Personally, I have trouble with children being denied health care.

    Oh, and why is it that every week several US citizens arrive in Toronto and as soon as they get off the plane they experience crippling angina requiring a coronary intervention, if not surgery?

    #51     Feb 16, 2008
  2. What I meant by that is, if people exaggerate and use talking points and name calling then they should show some honesty and use the same exaggerated, inaccurate names and descriptions for the their own party and views. Thus fascists for republicans and communists for democrats, both descriptions are really kinda stupid.
    I don't like either party, both big government, big on regulation and big brother and both are tax and spend fools.
    A good rule of thumb when voting for the lesser of two evils is to vote the incumbent out.
    #52     Feb 16, 2008
  3. There it is. I'm totally alternative medicine, disease prevention, health education, but the health care industry embedded with the government is doing a good job of suppressing that.

    More than taxes, I'm mostly afraid that if there is national health care in the US, alternative medicine will be completely suppressed. Codex Alimentarius is just the beginning.
    #53     Feb 16, 2008
  4. Health care not rationed in Canada? If taxes to pay for it never go up or go up very little, there has to be a limit to how much can be spent. They have to control costs. Patients can't just make the government pay more because they don't believe the illness is all in their head and want to see several doctors before they finally get a diagnosis. There is only so much revenue coming in and health care expenses are going up because of inflation and improvements in health technology, there have been improvements in Canada, haven't there?

    I've never been in a Canadian nor a US hospital, and I will make sure that I don't.

    No one has to wait to see a doctor in Canada. Interesting.

    I have however, talked to Canadians that are very disappointed with the program. Just disgruntled patients I'm sure.
    #54     Feb 16, 2008
  5. Apparently you are unaware that part of Obama's program is to repeal the law of supply and demand, along with the bush tax cuts. He's for change, in case you hadn't heard. There will be plenty for everyone when he forces the rich to stop hoarding it all.
    #55     Feb 17, 2008
  6. It's gonna be different this time. The piece of pie that the wealthy have is huge. All we have to do is slice it up into 300 million little pieces, plus share it with 10's of millions from Mexico, what the hell, Canadians too.

    First ones that get to the feed trough will have a good feeding for themselves and will say, ''I told you so''. 10-20 years down the road there will be 400 million slices to divvy up, something that they just never saw coming. The last ones that get to feed will say, "where's my share of the pie, why are they rationing health care, aren't there any more wealthy people to tap"?

    Kind of like Social Security, the first ones in pay 2% tax and retire comfortably, the last ones in pay 15% tax and most likely won't get much if anything back. The pyramid is crumbling.
    #56     Feb 17, 2008
  7. sumosam


    Health care not rationned in the US? I have worked with an American social worker who stated all she did in her job was try to secure payment for clients, who legally had the coverage but where being denied by their insurance companies for profit.

    The research shows that in the US there is less health promotion. Why? It is more profitable to do invasive procedures and use technology which the hospitals have paid for.

    Aside from this, I travel to the states several times a year, and am horrified by the number of obese people. 45 Million uninsured is unacceptable.

    And, by the way, as much as I also strongly believe in alternative medicine...when someone is hit by a car, suffers a heart attack or stroke, there is no better way of reversing the health outcomes than by emergency medicine. I believe in complimentary medicine which is the best of both worlds. I have seen acute strokes, and MI's reversed with timely interventions.

    The americans have no concept of what happens outside the US. Every other democratized nation has government health care...and the stats show superior health outcomes.
    #57     Feb 17, 2008
  8. For free govt health care to work in the US you have to tell doctors , drug companies , lawyers and hospitols they will have to make 30-40% less profit . And if they combine all there resources ( lobbyist, politicians they pay off ) I think its an impossible battle .
    #58     Feb 17, 2008

  9. Cubans as well as people from P.R. love music and that is a fact. Try to get yourself invaded to one of those events and you will be a satisfied customer. :D :D :D :D
    #59     Feb 17, 2008

  10. Aside from Cuba I think Libya is also on the list.
    As for "liberating" Cuba, the US wanted to to so and in fact tried it. It is called "the Cuban Missile Crisis". If the Russians had not backed away from the US blockade, the war was imminent. We were preparing for it and if it were not for the Russian presence on the island and their nuclear weapons, shit would have hit the fence.
    As a result of "the Crisis" a deal was reached where the Soviets would dismantle the missiles and in exchange we promised not to invade.
    The blockade is there to keep Cuba chocked and poor. The situation helps illustrate a point the US wants other states in the area to see. Namely, that communism and or socialism is NOT the way to progress and not to be pursued.
    #60     Feb 17, 2008