I escaped cuba to leave communism and now this!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Simple..Cuba don't have OIL.
    #41     Feb 16, 2008
  2. Health care in Canada is rationed, meted out to people like dogs. That's why Canadians with money go get treatment in the US.

    I see private clinics are opening up in Canada, even though they are illegal, the Canadian government knows a good thing is happening.

    Hundreds of Canadian doctors are leaving each year for the US so they can practice medicine without limitations and without a guilty conscience.

    Some Canadian towns offer lotteries for health. There is such a long waiting list in some towns to get to see a doctor. I won! I won! I get to see a doctor!

    Whomever wants tax and paycheck supported free health care should move to Canada.
    #42     Feb 16, 2008
  3. Everything I stated was fact and based on numerous studies and observations of systems like those in countries like Canada. How am I brainwashed? Because free markets have proven to be more efficient? The reason the US has expensive prescriptions is because of excessive government to begin with.
    #43     Feb 16, 2008
  4. gkishot


    I don't know whom you call fascists and what you mean by that but definetely
    business-friendly president that will keep taxes low is much more appealing.
    #44     Feb 16, 2008
  5. #45     Feb 16, 2008
  6. Read the article completely, you just proved "Fight the facts" point.

    “I guess we’re somewhat relieved to see there’s a net increase in physicians coming into Canada, although it doesn’t really help us in overall numbers,” lamented Collins-Nakai. “We are more or less treading water in terms of our overall physician supply.”

    "Collins-Nakai said hundreds more medical school entry positions are needed - and professors to replace those retiring to teach them - if Canada is to even approach self-sufficiency in achieving a physician workforce large enough to serve all Canadians in a timely fashion."
    #46     Feb 16, 2008
  7. I am an American citizen, but I have spent a lot of time in Canada over the past five years.

    I have witnessed my Canadian friends go to the doctor, without any issues ... have children, take their kids to the doctor without any issues, and even take their elderly parents to the doctor without any issues. Never any comments like "I wish our system was more like the U.S. ..."

    This group represents almost the entire political spectrum in Canada - supporters of the NDP. the Conservative Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada (I don't know any Bloc
    Québécois supporters).
    #47     Feb 16, 2008
  8. the only cuban i enjoy is ricky ricardo.
    the rest of ya take up space in florida.
    #48     Feb 16, 2008
  9. I did read both of them.

    Your point wasn't that Canada is imperfectly balanced in terms of quantity of doctors - your point was that Canadian doctors are still in the process of leaving Canada for the US - because the system is "so bad"

    ... A point that is out dated, at best ...

    If they make it easier for foreign trained doctors - their problem will take a big step forward towards a solution.

    I included both articles in an attempt to be "fair and balanced."

    The problem reflected in the article re: the foreign trained physicians is consistent with - what I feel - is Canada's tendency to have "proctectionist" policies.

    This tendency is bigger than the health care system issues. It touches a lot of things - including employment. That can be tweaked and ironed out pretty easily if there is the political will to get it done. 40 million or whatever uninsured in the U.S. is a much bigger "tweak."
    #49     Feb 16, 2008
  10. RATIONED Have you ever been in Canadian Hospitals? I happen to work in the Emergency Room as a Nurse, so I know what I am talking about. There is no waiting list in any town to see doctors. And that is a fact.
    #50     Feb 16, 2008