I don't know truth about JFK, nor 9/11, but I won't close my eyes: Building 7

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Why are you making this about me?

    Are you still angry that I gamed you and your buddy? I admit it was pretty funny watching you 2 get all worked up about it. Sorry if I embarassed you guys.

    But again, you owe me nothing.

    Show the fence sitters that you have an example of truth tellers getting smeared. Show them that you're NOT a fraud. Show them that the troof movement is not a fraud, that they don't base their statements on political beliefs like you do.

    Somehow, I suspect that you'll retreat into making this about me though. But this is to be expected since you have nothing. I was hoping that you could wake me up to the truth, but I don't see anything from you.

    #61     Jun 9, 2008
  2. LMAO.... good one .. that took BALLZ!!!

    unfortunately for you i already linked everyone and they can go check for themselves to see if you were gaming anything or you are just a yellow bellied chicken hawk.

    i am thinking your boiler room bosses put you up to that one. i don't think even you are stupid enough to think that will 'fly'. (but then again you are the pancake boy... so who knows)
    #62     Jun 9, 2008
  3. achilles28


    Aren't you the Guy who said we should glass-parking lot Iran?

    Trust me, you've got nothing.

    It took 40 YEARS before the public woke up to the Gulf of Tonkin being faked.

    Same with the USS Liberty. Happened 40 years ago. Only in this decade have US Crewmen and Israeli Airmen come forward - some 30 YEARS AFTER THE FACT - and admit, they knew it was American ship but were ordered to attack and strafe it anyway. For three hours. While the Americans radioed as Friendlies.

    The CIA Overthrow of Mussadegh and ensuing radicalization of Iran didn't come out until this decade. Some 20+ years after the fact.

    Considering there are literally hundreds - if not thousands - of high ranking Government, Military and accredited members of both the academic and engineering guilds who have looked at the entire spectrum of evidence (besides the first glance 'lets-glass-parking-lot-Iran' rhetoric beloved by you Fascist Neocons) and concluded the Official Account is pure Bullshit, I'd say we're doing pretty good.

    False Flag Military OPS - of which 911 was one - typically take three or four decades to leak out. We're in our 7th year of Operation Expose Government Terrorism and hundreds of professionals and PHDs - who have everything to LOSE and nothing to gain by blowing the whistle on slam dunk Government Terrorism - are coming out in droves.

    Risking everything so boot-licking Fascists like you can enjoy Freedom for another day.

    You're straight up ignorant. And a war monger. Why do those traits seem to go hand-in-hand around here?
    #63     Jun 9, 2008
  4. Quick Achilles, to the idiot mobile!!!
    #64     Jun 9, 2008
  5. achilles28


    Another Neoconned War Monger who's scared of dark.

    You first, Monkey Boy. You first.
    #65     Jun 9, 2008
  6. i would say something but moomoo will come to the rescue playing the victim card again. sorry, can't risk it ... 1 more time and i get a personal visit from Mark Potok and its off to Hate camp i go.
    #66     Jun 9, 2008
  7. achilles28



    I've got a feeling a pink slip will be waiting in my mail tomorrow. Moomoo's already got a few other peeps whacked for making off color remarks. Guess I'm next, brah
    #67     Jun 9, 2008