I don't get these sob stories. how do you get foreclosed after 19 years of payments?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noob_trad3r, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. I bought mine in 2000 with a 20 year mortgage...only 7 more years to go!
    #41     Nov 3, 2012
  2. Just bought my first home in the last year. 30 yr 3.95 APR, $780 a month for a nice 2400 sqft .5 acre house in great shape. I really appreciate this cheap interest. Buying at lowest interest rates ever sure feels good.
    #42     Nov 3, 2012
  3. Thats where they have brainwashed you. About 98.5% of all of walmarts items are priced HIGHER than competitors. Walmart knows that most people only know the price of items they shop for frequently, so walmart will keep the price low on those items, while charging more for other items. For instance...Candy bars at the checkout line. They will keep those prices lower than anyone else, because it reaffirms in the consumers mind that they have the lowest prices. If you go to buy something like a microwave, they will generally have one low priced microwave(lower than competitors usually the smallest model) and then their other microwaves will be priced higher than competitors. There was actually an article out a few months ago that said Target is actually cheaper than Walmart.
    #43     Nov 3, 2012
  4. +1
    I hate Walmart! You are right they are higher than many places here in town and besides that their employees are way over paid and rude and useless as tits on a boar hog!! I quit going there years ago and when I pass by the one near me their parking lot looks emptier every time I pass by. I read where they are losing business left and right. Their trickery with their prices only works with fools. Most people who do shop there do so because Walmart loves the people that are on food stamps.
    #44     Nov 4, 2012

  5. Probably another dumb F with a even dumber wife who bases her reality on martha stewart living. Household income gone yet they'll keep buying designer shit and remodeling the kitchen every other year to show off to her friends. The worst curse that can befall any man is picking a stupid woman for a wife, and to compound the horror, most of these fools are no better than than the women they hook up with.
    #45     Nov 4, 2012
  6. That's all well fine and good but consider this walmart 1.5 miles , nearest target 60.5 miles.

    my gas and time value of money make it a no brainer.

    I buy things from where they are actually cheaper for me to aquire, it's very much an individual calculation.
    #46     Nov 4, 2012
  7. Some things are a *lot* cheaper at Walmart, notably certain generic prescriptions. Everything else is on a case by case basis, and you pay for the savings by the indignity of shopping there.

    That store is a boon for the working poor. How else are you going to make ends meet on a < $10/hour job?
    #47     Nov 4, 2012