"I don't even know where the computers are" - Wheeler, yesterday's right wing hero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 17, 2017.

  1. exGOPer


    I cited that buzzfeed article in my first response to Tao's bullshit story but that's a nice way of acknowledging you were wrong.

    I have proof that Fox's NAMED sources are lying and yet they continue to keep that article up without any correction or retraction. That leads to an easy conclusion that Fox has zero interest in facts and the entire thing is made up.

    It won't be retracted, we can have a wager on it. And nothing will come out because there is nothing to come out, it's been a year - not even a peep by the FBI dominated by Republicans that there is anything to the Rich conspiracy. Keep hoping though, peddle it next time your buffoon is in trouble.
    #41     May 17, 2017
  2. jem


    in summary you have no facts to support you statement that Fox did not talk to a Federal Law enforcement source.

    If you dispute that statement... link us to your facts.
    #42     May 18, 2017
  3. exGOPer


    Fox 'News' is an entertainment organization who produced a report which was full of lies and was debunked by their NAMED source - I don't have to provide facts for fantasies cooked up by an organization who has a history of lying and making stuff up.

    If FBI knew Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source then let it be corroborated by an actual NEWS organization or by the FBI itself - an article where half of the information was debunked as LIES within a day has ZERO credibility.

    And by the way, Fox News is still hasn't issued retraction to their original story - shows them how credible they are.

    It's hilarious you are asking me to provide proof for Fox Entertainment's unnamed sources lies when they won't even retract lies by NAMED sources.
    #43     May 18, 2017
  4. exGOPer


    Fox News is fucked now

    “The family is officially asking for a retraction and an apology from Fox News and from the Fox 5 DC affiliate for inaccurate reporting and damaging the legacy of their son… They need to retract the story or issue an apology or the family will consider other options, including legal, to clear their son’s name and get Fox to do what’s right.”
    #44     May 18, 2017
  5. jem


    here is the point...

    exgoper said...

    "Again - as I have already pointed out - the original local Fox story that led to the national Fox story is based on Wheeler saying he talked to an FBI source."

    1. the orginal local fox story did not say that because wheeler said the FBI was not forthcoming...

    2. the national fox news stories did state multiple times the were quoting federal law enforcement sources.

    in summary...
    even if it turns out fox news is lying... you were dead as wrong about what fox said. they did at least claim to be quoting a federal law enforcement source.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    #45     May 18, 2017
  6. exGOPer


    1. I provided source showing Wheeler told the local Fox News station who later published it as a story on their website that he had FBI sources

    2. The national fox news story says they are CORROBORATING Wheeler story - Wheeler said he is lying and YET Fox News has still not retracted their story. Given this behavior where they have no interest in accuracy with their NAMED sources - they cannot be trusted to NOT MAKE STUFF UP when it comes to unnamed sources. If FBI was indeed investigating Rich's emails and since it has been over a year, this news would have been already corrobrated.

    Just wait and watch, Fox News will either retract the whole thing or will be made to pay millions just like how other News Corpse shit has paid millions for publishing lies.
    #46     May 18, 2017
  7. jem


    you keep presenting the same irrelevant points.

    Fox News said they had a federal law enforcement source...
    so you were wrong.

    You just have to admit you were wrong... and we can end you misery and your bullshit.

    #47     May 18, 2017
  8. exGOPer


    You keep bringing up the Fox News story that was exposed as a sham that they won't even retract.
    #48     May 18, 2017
  9. WeToddDid2


    #49     May 20, 2017
  10. exGOPer


    Internet detectives at work! Crime solving so easy even criminals like Dotcom can do it.
    #50     May 21, 2017