"I don't even know where the computers are" - Wheeler, yesterday's right wing hero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 17, 2017.

  1. jem


    You are being so annoying stupid on purpose.

    1. How do you know the FBI is not investigating seth rich's emails if he was the one who leaked to wikileaks. You have absolutely no basis to make such a statement yet you bullshit your ass off.

    2. you are claiming hoax... but Fox still quoted an fbi source about there being thousand of DNC emails leaked to wikileaks and Julian Assage heavily hinted it was Rich.

    3. give us a link so I can read the exact story you are referencing.
    #31     May 17, 2017
  2. exGOPer


    You are purposely ignoring the fact that at least HALF of the Fox News story has been proved as hoax. You are now hanging on to the other half because it's unclear and unprovable.

    Because Seth Rich's brother said that no law enforcement agency took control of Rich's devices.

    Fox also quoted Wheeler who admitted he lied

    How do we know Fox is not quoting another liar? Hints aren't evidence

    #32     May 17, 2017
  3. jem


    you are so full of shit. you keep bring up side points...
    we already covered the fact the FBI could get the emails from myraid sources in myraid ways. Would Rich's brother even know if they hacked the computer?

    I have been saying fox news quoted a federal law enforcement source...

    your quote is below... .. and I am asking for you to give us that link... to see if you are even telling the truth about fox news only quoting wheeler in the original story or if fox news also quoted a federal law enforcement officer.

    exgoper said...

    "Again - as I have already pointed out - the original local Fox story that led to the national Fox story is based on Wheeler saying he talked to an FBI source."
    #33     May 17, 2017
  4. exGOPer


    First line of the article I linked

    "On Monday evening, Washington’s Fox 5 reported that Rod Wheeler, an investigator hired by Seth Rich’s family, said that there is evidence that the DNC staffer was working with WikiLeaks before he was murdered last July."

    You can't bother to click and check it out - but I am full of shit because you can't read
    #34     May 17, 2017
  5. jem


    exactly the bullshit I expected.
    that is fox 5 a local station.

    then fox news got involved and they said they spoke with a federal law enforcement source.
    you were bullshitting for this entire time.
    neither wheeler nor fox 5 said wheeler was quoting the fbi.

    in fact wheeler said this...

    "The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming,” said Wheeler.

    so where the fuck do you get off saying the fox was only quoting wheeler.

    #35     May 17, 2017
  6. exGOPer


    THe Fox5 was the original report which was made into new BS at Fox National

    Fox News in your story also said that Rod Wheeler's story was corroborated - that's a complete lie since Wheeler admitted it's a lie.

    Why would I believe rest of the Fox News story when the FBI says they are not investigating and when Seth Rich's brother said that no law enforcement agency took Seth's devices.

    If this was the NYT that made a spelling mistake in their story, you would call it fake news.

    But more than half of the story has been proven to be a hoax, you are hanging on to the anonymous parts WITHOUT any basis and calling others bullshitters.

    The only bullshitters are Fox News and people who read and propagate such stuff

    On a television news segment that aired in Washington, DC, on Monday, private investigator Rod Wheeler was interviewed by a reporter. "You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information that could link Seth Rich to WikiLeaks?" she asks.

    "Absolutely," Wheeler responds. "And that's confirmed."


    #36     May 17, 2017
  7. exGOPer


    I just want to make another point

    This part '"Absolutely," Wheeler responds. "And that's confirmed."' was said on Monday

    The Fox News national story you keep reporting about the FBI was said on Tuesday.

    Wheeler says that he got the FBI part from Fox News - but that part was not published on Monday by Fox News!!!

    So which Fox News report did he get the "FBI confirms" part from - if it wasn't he who was feeding Fox BS

    #37     May 17, 2017
  8. jem


    so let me get this straight... where in all this do you get to say..
    Fox News was only quoting wheeler and did not speak with an Federal Law enforcement source.
    Especially since you were wrong about what the initial article said.
    #38     May 17, 2017
  9. exGOPer


    First of all, I was not wrong - I gave you two links that proved what I said. You said I was bullshitting and I provided a DIRECT QUOTE where Wheeler said he had FBI sources.

    Second, I know Fox is lying because they refuse to issue a retraction when it has been exposed that Wheeler lied - their article is still up. If they are sticking to made up BS with NAMED sources - they are obviously LYING about UNNAMED sources.
    #39     May 17, 2017
  10. jem


    you got lucky and found something to support your incorrect statement about the initial article saying Wheeler was quoting the FBI or had FBI sources. .
    but... nice cover.
    but.. .that was still a side issue.

    the main point is and was you said fox news never spoke with a federal law enforcement officer... and you have no proof of that ... just a bunch of your own speculation.

    the main point of fox news story is therefore not a hoax nor has been busted by anyone.
    maybe it will be retracted for maybe it will come out the FBI has emails from Rich.

    #40     May 17, 2017