"I don't even know where the computers are" - Wheeler, yesterday's right wing hero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 17, 2017.

  1. exGOPer



    This is the image on top of your Fox News link

    That's Wheeler who made shit up and admitted it is hoax

    Why would anyone believe rest of the story if Fox News won't retract the hoax parts?
    #21     May 17, 2017
  2. exGOPer


    Second line in your article

    "Rod Wheeler, a retired Washington homicide detective and Fox News contributor investigating the case on behalf of the Rich family, made the WikiLeaks claim, which was corroborated by a federal investigator who spoke to Fox News."

    First, Wheeler isn't retired - he was fired

    Second, he isn't investigating on behalf of Rich's family - he is investigating on behalf of another Fox News consultant.

    Third, notice the third line "which was corroborated by a federal investigator who spoke to Fox News"

    How can there be corroboration if Wheeler's version itself is a hoax.

    Explain that!
    #22     May 17, 2017
  3. jem


    the mediate story was from november and it shows fox cares about its integrity.
    the rest of what you wrote is a deflection away from the fact you can't support the bullshit you wrote.

    Fox said multiple times it has spoke to the federal law enforcement source.

    #23     May 17, 2017
  4. jem


    1. he said the family hired him and signed the paperwork but he got a small payment for a third party.. so you got that wrong.

    2. here are the quotes... in which fox says the fbi source said something.

    prove that fox did not speak to the Federal Law enforcement source...

    stop bullshiting and think.

    #24     May 17, 2017
  5. exGOPer


    If Fox cares about it's integrity then why haven't they retracted the Wheeler parts from the story you linked after it was proven as a hoax?
    #25     May 17, 2017
  6. exGOPer



    " "which was corroborated by a federal investigator who spoke to Fox News"""

    Fox said they spoke to Wheeler and then corroborated it with a Federal Investigator

    Wheeler admitted he was making shit up - still your story has the line 'corroborated'

    Second, Fox has in the past made up story about FBI sources as I already linked and only corrected it DAYS AFTER, why would anyone believe when them.
    #26     May 17, 2017
  7. jem


    stick to the main subject in your posts and then address the off point.
    prove fox did not speak with a federal law enforcement officer.

    shall I give you the quotes again...
    are are you going to admit you have nothing but made up shit.

    #27     May 17, 2017
  8. exGOPer


    I already proved that parts of the Fox News story is a hoax within a day.

    I already proved that Fox News has lied about FBI sources in the past and only corrected it after MANY DAYS of not correcting it.

    Shall I give you the links again? All you are doing is linking to a story that are proven to be complete hoax in parts WITHIN a SINGLE day - why would anyone believe the rest of them are true when they have a history of lying. Fox News quotes don't mean shit, they have been already exposed as liars.

    Bottomline - If their named sources are lying and making things up - why would anyone believe their unnamed sources?
    #28     May 17, 2017
  9. jem


    look on the first page of this thread...

    you said fox news was quoting wheeler.
    I said Fox was also quoting and Federal Law enforcement source.
    I gave you the quotes...
    you were dead ass wrong...

    now you are doubting fox... fine.

    but you were bullshitting your ass off..
    they were not just quoting wheeler.
    #29     May 17, 2017
  10. exGOPer


    Again - as I have already pointed out - the original local Fox story that led to the national Fox story is based on Wheeler saying he talked to an FBI source.

    Secondly, the Fox story you keep reporting has been exposed as a hoax.

    Why would I believe that there is a second Fox News source when the first one never existed.

    Nobody is buying your bullshit, if this was NYT that got one line wrong - you would dismiss the entire thing as fake news.

    But it's Fox News where half of the story is PROVEN to be FAKE and the other half UNCLEAR and UNTRACEABLE, you are still hanging on to the BS.

    Lastly, FBI is not investigating Seth Rich in anyway, how can there be a FBI source in the first place.
    #30     May 17, 2017