"I didn't think the sequester would ever really kick in"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ricter, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Arnie


    Demand for what? Bridges? I'll take three, assorted colors, please. :D

    Seriously, even if we assume that govt spending CAN take the place of private investment, it can only do so temporarily. You guys shot your wad with a $1,000,000,000,000 "stimulus" that failed to stimulate. Now you want to double down. Who's insane?
    #31     Aug 5, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    Careful Arnie, posting too many facts will get you on Ricter's ignore list faster than RCG "Trader" can post a lie.
    #32     Aug 5, 2012
  3. Ricter


    It doesn't need to displace private investment, as there isn't much private investment happening right now. Interest rates indicate that money is plentiful and competition for it is subdued.

    The general consensus is that the stimulus spending was too small. It seems like a big number, but the context, what it was supposed to stimulate, i.e. our GDP, is a much larger number. Even around here, the highly partisan P&R, posters on the right have admitted that had the stimulus, such as it was, been targeted to actual work projects it likely would have been more effective. For that I do fault Obama. At any rate, under these condtions, further stimulus is warranted (remember, inflation is zip), and it would not be "doubling down" so much as "halving up".

    Now, when you say "failed", what do you mean, the stimulus failed to bring us entirely back to where we were pre-crisis, or do you mean it failed to kick us beyond that to a resumption of GDP trend?
    #33     Aug 5, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    NOT by us taxpayers that paid for it it's not.
    #34     Aug 5, 2012
  5. all gifts to ungrateful whores are too small (according to them).

    Besides The stimulus was nothing more than a vote buying scheme like fdr's public works projects.
    #35     Aug 5, 2012