I could've been a Dentist, a Doctor, a Nurse but no I took wrong path, trading

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Anti-Hurst, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. hey little man doing 30% a year, you have two options

    you can learn from me and do much better

    or you can not learn from me

    up to you
    #51     Dec 26, 2008
  2. Mav88


    I agree, Soros can be a real dumbass
    #52     Dec 26, 2008
  3. the problem with most traders such as yourself, is you come in here to make big money when you ain't got none.

    trading is a rich mans sport
    unless you are arbing ineffiency
    a rich mans sport is the game of patience.
    I can not take a trade for the next 50 years and I still wouldn't flinch, can you?

    You can't have patience when you need to pay rent, You can't have patience when its your only meal ticket in life. make some money in another industry, find a dead aunt who wil lgive you her inheritance, only then can you be a real trader.

    The market is designed to take money out from the active and pass it to the patient. Said by your buddy pal warren.

    LOL @ $10k at ib. superchump


    One thing I can guarantee you, is that you will waste your 20s or 30s probably 40s away trying to "get it". Then finally reach age 45, with $4,250 in your bank account and wondered,

    what happened?
    #53     Dec 26, 2008
  4. gnome


    OK silva, you don't get it.

    1. I don't post trades because I'm of the camp were you either "tell everything" or "tell nothing"... (as some do to cheery-pick good trades to look good, then keep quiet or lie about losses)... and I'm not about to start posting every trade.... NEVER will. (Actually, I've been a RIA for years.. and it's a regulation... "tell EVERYTHING or tell NOTHING".. I think that's a good law... keeps a lot of liars from deceiving folks.)

    2. I'm not an asshole, Republican or otherwise. I hate the RepubliClowns as much as I hate the DemoCraps.... likely to change, however, as NObama's reign makes me hate DemoCraps more.

    3. Other than talk about what his plans are for the country (I hate what he appears to stand for because it's too Socialistic and has the potential to deceive the US public into great harm), the only thing he's ACTUALLY DONE is circumvent the US Constitution by lies and fraud to even RUN for President. (And what's even more important than what he did is who's the juice behind him and why? And no, it's not you pussy Socialist DemoCrap voters who count here.)

    Regardless of what he does, I will always consider him a LIAR AND A FRAUD untill he clears up the birth certificate issue... which he apparently never will... and starry-eyed, selfish DemoCraps are letting him get away with it. YOU, SILVA, should be ashamed of yourself...
    #54     Dec 26, 2008
  5. MGJ


    So you're a bad trader. So what? You might have been a bad dentist or a lousy doctor or a very poor nurse too. You might have paid lots of money for extra schooling and spent lots of time in school plus "residency" (medical speak for journeyman training), only to find yourself out of a job AND with huge student loans to pay AND with years of your life flushed down the toilet.

    You've made your bed, now lie in it. And don't forget to count your blessings.
    #55     Dec 26, 2008
  6. Great reply !
    #56     Dec 26, 2008
  7. Oh, cut the shit out and provide concrete proof for the things you "think" Obama is not being candid about. BTW even the most right-wing fringe groups are hailing Obama for his choice of picking a centrist cabinet, which I personally think is a dumb idea.

    And who the fuck are the real Socialists? Lately, it's the Bushie Replican Assholes who are hell bent on socializing losses to rescue their rich Wall Street buddies. At least, we Democrats aren't shy about subsidizing social programs to help the poor. But this is outrageous!

    Finally, unlike you, I do post my trades in REALTIME as they are executed. Check the ES Journal thread. You talk big about yourself, full of never-ending self-praise like those dumbass overnight millionaires, but you refuse to walk the talk. Instead you walk like any other lousy trader!
    #57     Dec 26, 2008
  8. gnome


    I've never praised myself for any trades, only stated "I've got MILLIIONS, and I made them in the financial markets"... and that's a fact.

    I couldn't care less about your pissy little trades and ego.

    Can't have an argument with someone as blind as you. I've stated over, and over, and over and OVER again... I'M NOT A REPUBLICAN... I HATE THEM AS MUCH AS I HATE THE DEMOCRAPS! Got it now?

    I stated my case about his birth certificate and eligibility to be POTUS. If you're willing ignore his FRAUD AND LIES, and swoon over a little hand-out at the expense of the Constitution and the USA, you'll deserve what you get.
    #58     Dec 26, 2008
  9. Actually, so long as you stay in the country, you're going to get the same thing ... multipled exponentially as your wealth is slowly but surely taken from you.

    LOL, and it couldn't happen to a nicer person. :p

    P.S. Merry Christmas Archie.
    #59     Dec 26, 2008
  10. gnome


    You're right both counts. I'll be leaving as soon as the wife is fed up enough... Either that or we'll burn it all, then vote DemoCrap so that we can hold out our hands for something to which we we didn't earn and are not entitled. If that's the system, then SCREW IT. I'm down.

    BTW... you don't like my views on NObama? You've got an ignore button.
    #60     Dec 26, 2008