I Ching

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by profitseer, Nov 1, 2002.

  1. Pabst


    But I think Yao, Ming has the softer touch from the outside.

    #11     Nov 2, 2002
  2. If anybody on this thread is actually interested in The book of Changes, the Wilhelm/Baynes translation is by far the best out of the 4 or 5 copies I own -- excellent foward by Carl Jung...
    #12     Nov 2, 2002
  3. TSaimoto

    TSaimoto Guest

    I get the whole picture now....

    It's basically has the same philosophical concepts as Feng Shui. To be honest I Ching is sometimes referred to as Feng Shui in Chinese. Feng Shui introduced in the US or the Western Civilization is only concentrated in Interior Design and Landscaping but it's more of a practical philosophical dogma like study. It relates Chinese Philosophy of Ying-Yang and 5 Elementals to a practical subject as a whole.

    One analogical practice is the locational aspect that is widely known-as Feng Shui. But it tries to relate the philosophy toward all things we see.

    The steps start off with seeing the Ying and Yang of things. Then we look at things in 5 Elementals. It's more of a perceptional way of life than all the BS they try to sell you.
    #13     Nov 2, 2002
  4. j c,

    no i have never read that one.


    #14     Nov 2, 2002
  5. Yes, That is considered the standard by which all others are judged.

    I am very interested, because so often the debate between discretionary and mechanical is a one sided debate, in that both the discretionary and mechanical methods are objective or conscious.

    The more intersting debate to me is objective vs subjective, or more accurately conscious vs subconscious.

    And of course, the final goal is no debate but instead both working as one.

    So now I have the last line of my haiku

    Both working as one
    #15     Nov 2, 2002
  6. Ka-ching.
    #16     Nov 2, 2002
  7. Profit,
    So how do you suppose you are going to incorporate the book of changes into your actual trading?

    Are u serious with the Feng Shui thing?
    #17     Nov 2, 2002
  8. The I Ching is a bridge between the inner mind and the outer mind. The inner mind creates, the outer mind tells it what to create. I figure if I can get them both going in the same direction I should be able to create profits no problem.

    So as you read the I Ching, it is the inner mind telling you, here's the status of my progress carrying out the instructions you have given me so far.

    If the plan does not look so profitable, then you know you need to change your mind, which will change the instructions which will change the result.

    If the plan looks profitable, then I guess you need to figure out some way to make nothing ever change, and I haven't gotten that far yet. But I suspect if you find something that is changless, that's probably a real money maker.
    #18     Nov 2, 2002
  9. No offense to any psychological gurus in here, but I have to chime in for a moment.

    Now that I know exactly what kind of emotions I experience when trading futures, I can safely say that this, "feel your inner-self, project outwards, bond with the one, combine with the UNIverse" horseshit does nothing for trading.

    The best place for this sort of crap is in a few good sex books that teach you how to maybe extend an orgasm for a few seconds -- but otherwise it is just a downward spiral of forever grasping for something else to be that rope that keeps you from drowning.

    Just learn how to trade and shut the f*** up about the psychobabble.
    #19     Nov 2, 2002
  10. If you don't want to feel your innerself, project outwards, bond with the one, combine with the UNIverse, then I suggest you take up a pastime you don't want to succeed at, which I suspect you already have done.
    #20     Nov 2, 2002