I am legit scared of the future

Discussion in 'Economics' started by heavenskrow, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Signs of a bull market top.....
    Credit at all time highs
    Student loan debt at all time highs
    Trump raising tariffs, sparking trade wars
    Collapse of culture- music, no self respect, dumber population
    Major resistance with the US DOLLAR which could be a huge turning in which dollar starts to weaken and inflation rises more than now..

    Can anyone tell me I should be optimistic?
    Should I just take out a crap ton of student loan debt now so that I can pay it off when hyperinflation hits?
    What is gonna happen to America? Should I move to Asia?
    murray t turtle and Onra like this.
  2. destriero


    Climate collapse.
    CaseyB, CALLumbus and Sinbin like this.
  3. Cuddles


    blood on the streets and all that...
    CALLumbus likes this.
  4. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Government debt does concern me.. a lot. The rest, same old crap.
    SunTrader likes this.
  5. Where do you see blood?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. Overnight


    A single tweet from POTUS can turn it all around.

    Should you be scared? Yes.

    Should you be optimistic? Yes. Because we can serve only a maximum sentence of 6 more Trump years.
    SunTrader, ges and comagnum like this.
  7. Overnight


    Look at it this way...Trump opened the door to room 237, and he peeked inside. He's about to step into it, and as everyone should know, you NEVER go into room 237. Never.

    Stay OUT! @vanzandt
  8. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

    This is the biggest issue in my opinion. Now you have to think three times what you are about to take.
    A student loan is on your record forever.
  9. Overnight


    mmmm, isn't it off after 7 years?
  10. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

    No. You can not declare "bankruptcy" on a student loan in the USA.
    #10     Jun 1, 2019
    Nobert, nooby_mcnoob and drm7 like this.