i am convinced. prayer works.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. in 2007 georgia was in a drought. they prayed. now they have a flood. i dont see how anyone could not see the connectionn.
    Governor of parched Georgia to pray for rain
    Leader will host prayer service to ask for relief from Southeast drought. updated 9:44 p.m. MT, Wed., Nov . 7, 2007


    North Georgia Flooding Kills Eight, Brings Evacuations, Snarls Traffic
    By Edgar Treiguts Listen: Updated: 2
  2. LOL. Prayed for rain. Only in the south.

  3. Maybe too many people pray, and god answer all the rain prayers with too much rain? :eek:
  4. Maybe too many people pray, and god answer all the rain prayers with too much rain?

    I think you nailed it.:D
  5. god must have been real busy. it took two years to get around to sending rain.
  6. The people that died were atheists werent they?