I am Confused by Market Cap for Certain Stocks by Etrade i.e. CRWD

Discussion in 'Options' started by ggelitetrader000, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. On etrade platforms, detailed quote of CRWD stock shows 1.7B with 20M shares outstanding. On all platforms including web search engine, i.e. fidelity, yahoo finance quotes all shows CRWD has 16.0B$ market cap with 204999000 shares outstanding. I have seen this disrepancy on few other stocks on etrade. What is wrong with etrade in this respect? Are they doign this in error or are they using different metrics to come up with number of out. shares thus market cap?? May be they are not including locked shares???
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. tommcginnis


    If you can narrow it to Common Stock valuation, and # of shares, you can divide and get current stock price. But as the valuation might include things besides common equity to varying degrees in various stocks/sites.... "Dunno!" :(

    Make sure you check out all the asterisks and numbered footnotes. :confused:

    "Hey! Let's talk about the p-e!" Ohhhh, let's not. :rolleyes:
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. %%
    16 or 17 Billion;
    simple math .
    investors.com notes 17 billion.NEVER use only one data source especially yahoo:cool::cool:
  4. zdreg


    Call investor relations at CRWD.
    tommcginnis and murray t turtle like this.
  5. ETJ


    Just a guess - outstanding as opposed to issued - the difference could be treasury stock.
  6. vanzandt


    Using $89 x 199.4M(total shares outstanding) gives it a market cap of about $17.8B
    The difference between the class A and class B as you can read below, is the class B has 10 votes/share. Other than that, they are the same. The current float is about 20M shares.

    There's a lot of ESOP stuff, it gets pretty involved, pages 74 and 75 here : https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1535527/000104746919003508/a2238988zs-1a.htm
    Lockup expires 12/9/19. That would be the date to watch. There's no telling how high it will go from here, but wherever it ends up it'll probably start dropping near/after the lockup expires. That's not guaranteed though.

    tommcginnis and murray t turtle like this.
  7. %%
    WOW ;management really really loves the class ''B'' /10 votes per share.:D:D:D:D:D,:D:D:D:D:D Cant say that i blame them;. And as IBD founder notes ''you can always tell when an elephant gets in a bath tub''
  8. ok that makes a lot of sense, good refresh of A and B class. However it still makes no sense the e-trade appears to be portraying a number of shares that are roughly equal to class-A shares which is not available to public? Meaning what e-trade displays of 20 million shares have closest matches with your post where A shares are 20 million for CRWD.
  9. aren't you meaning class A when you said 10 votes / share?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  10. %%
    Most likely class B;why?? I used elitetrader Vanz's SEC link -class B.NOT that i rubber stamp all SEC stuff-i think they should knock off the SEC stock trade fee + get if off the bond traders LOL.:D:D, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    #10     Jul 24, 2019