I Agree With This Evil Socialist Dictator

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Optionpro007, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. I Agree With This Evil Socialist Dictator
    Wayne Allyn Root

    Posted: Jun 16, 2019 12:00 AM

    Hugo Chavez was one of the most evil socialist dictators ever. He took the richest country in Latin America, Venezuela, and turned it into a disaster of misery and poverty in only five years. How bad? The people had no food or toilet paper. And critics of Chavez were tortured and murdered. Isn't socialism wonderful?

    But it gets worse. Just like Fidel Castro, Chavez got filthy rich based on the misery of his own people. His family made billions. Then this evil dictator died of cancer. He turned the country over to his handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro. Maduro ran the country the exact same way. Things are now worse. The people eat from garbage dumps and are forced to drink sewage water. In an oil-rich country, there is no gasoline for cars.

    I am the ultimate passionate evangelist for capitalism. I preach the horrors of socialism and the greatness of capitalism 24/7 on my national TV and radio shows. I despise socialism. I believe Chavez and Maduro are pure evil. That's why it's strange to hear that, for once, I agree with something an evil socialist dictator said. Days ago, Maduro told NBC's Jorge Ramos that America has no right to criticize. He cited the poverty, misery and homelessness of American cities such as New York. He said, "New Yorkers have to eat garbage, too."

    I agree. America's inner cities -- run 100% by Democrats -- are rotting cesspools of misery. They are third-world hellholes. Just look at New York, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco, to name a few. All run by Democrats for half a century or more. They aren't quite Venezuela -- yet. But they are headed there.

    What Maduro missed is that those cities resemble Venezuela because their policies are socialist, just slightly milder than in Venezuela. And the leaders of those cities are socialists posing as "Democrats." In Chicago, they just elected a bunch of councilmembers who proudly call themselves socialist. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is a card-carrying socialist. And many of these inner-city Democrats are corrupt, just like Maduro. They appoint cronies and family members to government positions or award them multimillion-dollar government contracts. De Blasio's wife can't show where $850 million of federal taxpayer money went. That's Maduro-level corruption.
    smallfil, WeToddDid2 and Clubber Lang like this.
  2. Socialism is based on envy and resentment. It doesn't raise anyone up, except the corrupt elites who scam the system. It aims to reduce everyone, except those elites, to some lowest common denominator level.

    I contrast that with populism, which is aimed at curbing the power of elites.
    smallfil and Scataphagos like this.
  3. This sounds more like a dictator to me. Keeping power and money for themselves and their close upper crust supporters only, squashing any protests or dissent in the government, media or public, running things with an iron hand through murder and violence.

    This is an example of a dictator siezing power and using that power to oppress his people while getting rich. Nothing socialist about that. Something like Scandanavian countries are closer to socialist ideals than a violent dictator. What is the difference between Chavez and Saddam or Ghadafi...same kind of dictatorship.
  4. WeToddDid2


    That is socialism. That is what dems do not understand. Given some time, every single socialist or communist country has ended with a dictator throughout history. Every single one of them. If someone is advocating for socialism, they are really advocating for a dictatorship. They are just too stupid to realize it. The exact same excuses have been used throughout history. That was not real socialism. This time it will different.

    Just google old videos and quotes wrt Chavez. Chromsky, Bernie, and many other libtards praised him. They all said that Venezuela was a model of what the US should become. Repubs were all stating that it will end up in a dictatorship and people will be extremely poor. Chavez was the libtard's poster child. It is mindbogglingly that libtards cannot learn from history and we have to keep repeating it. If true socialism becomes the econ model in the US, it will end in a dictatorship and everyone will be poor overtime. It has been 100% accurate so far throughout history. But, I know. I know. It is different this time.

    socialism = dictatorship
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    Optionpro007 and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  5. I am not expressing an opinion in favor of socialism but everyone is extremely misguided. Chavez, Castro.....these are dictators...not benevolent leaders looking to spread the wealth around. It is take most for yourself, pretend to give some to the people and kill or erase anyone who objects. No different than Saddam, Hitler, Ghadafi, etc. No one with a brain would hold up these people as prime examples of socialism except the brainwashed.
  6. Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.

    There is nothing socialist about how Castro and Chavez run/ran their countries. All means of production and workers are owned by the government and the government dictates 100% what they can and cannot do. There are no freedoms. There is no social ownership. Casto's government owned everything and all the money went to him and he threw pebbles back to the people. Chavez same shit. Don't hold up some fucktarded politician who claims to know socialism and their praise of Chavez and Castro. Thise dickheads never saw the inside of political prisons in those countries or how nothing was shared or owned collectively.

    Castro walked into a business and said This is mine, ge the fuck out. That is not socialism, that is a dictator. He did not steal from the rich and give to the poor. He stole from the rich and fucked over the poor. Just because he waves medicine and education means shit, the people know how to read but live in abject poverty with nothing to read but state run news designed to control the people.

    I dont give a shit what dumbfuck Bernie said or some other libtard you want to claim speaks for the world.

    These were dictators who took power by force, maintained it by force, stole from the government, oppressed anyone who spoke up or out, and kept the wealth for themselves.

    Bernie and AOC's knowledge of socialism could not fit in a sperm. If you think one or two people espousing bullshit speak for eveyrone then Trump speaks for every single GOP member out there, that is how fucktarded it is to give any weight to Bernie claiming yearrs ago Chavez was a model socialist. he is an old fuck that knows shit because he is wealthy and has nothing to worry about.
  7. Socialism turns free people into livestock. This is true even when it is practiced by high character scandinavians among an homogeneous population. When it is imposed by demagogic appeals to class, ethic and racial hatred, the results are even more catastrophic.

    If the examples of numerous countries aren't adequate, consider the evidence in universities, where a form of socialism holds sway. Dissenting opinion is first stigmatized, then banned outright, then we have armies of PC scolds combing the social media history of high school students so their futures can be destroyed for one unPC remark. All for the greater good of course.

    Socialism leads inexorably to repression, because people have a natural desire to keep what is theirs and not share it with ungrateful leeches. As we see in modern South Africa, once you start down the road of demonizing the "haves", particularly in racial terms, the end result is genocides, ethnic cleansing and a whole host of human rights violations.

    But hey, whatever, it couldn't happen here because we can trust people like AOC.
  8. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

  9. Overnight


    "...He cited the poverty, misery and homelessness of American cities such as New York. He said, "New Yorkers have to eat garbage, too."

    Maduro and Wayne Root would be living like a king in NYC's homeless population compared to Venezuela, if they were homeless. What fucking morons they do be. Oh my.

    Obviously, neither of them have ever lived in NYC. They should STFU about shit they know nothing about before spewing nonsense from their pieholes.
  10. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    When you cant make it as a snake oil sports betting guru sell to conservatives

    #10     Jun 17, 2019