Hypocrite Obambi going to "call out" wasteful spenders

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MKTrader, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Wasteful pork is one thing. Putting Americans to work to improve infrastructure is something quite different. Spending a $Trillion put American soldiers into the middle of a foreign civil war under the guise of defense is what? Same old partisian bickering. One man's pork is another's beneficial use of American deficits.

    #11     Feb 23, 2009
  2. Lucrum


    1) By definition "pork" tends to benefit only small groups typically constituents of the congressman introducing said pork. So IMO if there was legitimate widespread even nation wide benefit then technically at least it wouldn't be "pork".

    2) Assuming you're not exaggerating I would still call that pork. W. Virginia represents only a small constituency.
    #12     Feb 23, 2009
  3. you can't eliminate pork entirely. always gonna be some a-hole jacklegging the process.

    what you would throw the baby out with the bathwater??!! dumazz!

    YOU elected these idiots! they weren't BORN in Congress.

    always going to be some pork chops on the grill. people love 'em what we need are more VEGETARIANS in congress :D
    #13     Feb 23, 2009
  4. Eisenhower's interstate Highway Bill was ridiculed as PorK. So was NASA.

    However ...so has been the massive and obscene subsidy to the South Florida Sugar growers and the Iowa corn grower and the Dakota Wheat growers.

    What is PorK?

    Should it cross state lines?

    #14     Feb 23, 2009
  5. Here's all you need to know: "Payload" is one word.

    Now vanish pretender.

    #15     Feb 23, 2009
  6. Cutten


    If the president has to hold his nose while signing the bill, then it's pork.
    #16     Mar 2, 2009