Hyperinflation trade is still in!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. QE2 and looming hyperinflation is being priced into stocks and commodities such as gold/silver (If you insist on going long metals, Silver is a better play since it has industrial uses)

    I would not be surprised if you see the dow back to 15-17K by 2012-2013 yet the economy in the shitter still.

    I still see Hyperinflation hitting hard and of course surprise everyone. The lemmings are being lead to the slaughter as usual. Typically the individual investor is good at picking tops and getting slaughtered in every bubble.

    Also expect to see further loss of jobs as companies use this excess cash for acquisitions/mergers which of course results in redundancy and more layoffs. Other uses of capital will probably go towards further offshoring down the line where the cash will be invested in building or investing in capital assets outside of the US.
  2. loza

    loza Guest

    I don't know about the word "hyper" but inflation is here already....
    apparently this is bullish for stocks (at least some stocks) that earn money and can pass the inflation to the consumers....
    A very bad hyper inflation would not be good for the market....
    it would be bad to everybody...I mean even the gold bugs would cry tears....they would be targets for massive frauds, and robberies.....am 80's style inflation is in the works and coming to your favorite store very soon.....