Hurry up public option!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Do you really think this guy can afford to pay his bills if something happens, hell he can't even fork over the premiums for insurance yet.
    buttscoe you are consistently a dumbass, thanks for the comment :cool:
    #51     Dec 27, 2009
  2. I don't know about him.

    I went without insurance for 2 years with a wife and child. Stop assuming people who don't insurance don't have it because they can't afford it. It's a choice you idiot!

    I know is too big for you to grasp! It's much easier for you to live in a world of delusional thinking since that is what all liberal policies are based on.
    #52     Dec 27, 2009
  3. I'm assuming you couldn't afford insurance either "o' ye of little net worth" let alone $100,000 in disposable cash to handle an emergency. And if something bad happened to one of your kids while uninsured (which I would never wish on you, just an example) you would be on the welfare line like everyone else saying please help my child. No go earn some money and pay some taxes so this country can make it.
    #53     Dec 27, 2009
  4. Lol, your an asshole. First of all I'm in my mid 20's, almost never been in hospital (for care), second I have a family friend who is a doctor, and I have a cash deal with him. More importantly, if I get in an accident or sick and had to go to the emergency room, they (the govt) don't just pay and u walk away owing nothing lol. You still have to pay your bill.

    Even when I buy insurance I'm only getting a catastrophic policy, all that is necessary for me at this point. I also said in my post that if people can't afford it they should have some option, guess u didn't read that. The current proposed public "option" is anything but, you can't force people on to your policy or fine them/stick them in jail, which accomplishes nothing btw.

    So if the government was to buy those eligible, but unable to afford it, a catastophic policy, that would be alright just to manage costs. If people are going to be going to their dentists, getting lasic surgery, going for every ache and pain etc, that shit should not be covered. Only life threatening conditions.

    Also I was reasonable in my post, you are being an out of context douchebag. So... if u can't respond to my whole post or be somewhat civil, don't bother quoting me.
    #54     Dec 27, 2009
  5. Yawn...
    #55     Dec 27, 2009
  6. I was being an asshole, and you don't even have insurance and you're complaining about public health care and you are on it. Now go by some insurance junior and quit being a liability to your county, state, and federal governments.

    If you're not very well to do and willing to spend your own cash on health care then you're not self insured.
    #56     Dec 27, 2009
  7. Wow your dense, I never said I was self insured. I did say that if I want to go to the doctor I just pay him cash. Also how the fuck am I a liability or "pussy leach" or on govt healtcare when they have never paid any medical bill of mine? The only reason that I am going to purchase a catastrophic policy is because I know that I can't afford a major disaster.

    I am also sure that most people can not afford a serious health issue, and if u can what is the point of you crying about your increase in premium? How does a public option benefit u in any way?

    A more important point is how do you figure that the uninsured people are the reason for the increase in healthcare costs? Are you telling me that u believe that the 30 or so mil without insurance are alone driving up the costs for the vast overwhelming majority that are PRIVATELY insured? Seriously how do u figure? If you are privately insured how does someone being paid for by the government affect your premium (taxes maybe, not your premium). Your statement about me being on gov healthcare is also bullshit, if that is how it works, then why do we need a new program?

    Also, none of this addresses the point of my first post which is that the public option is an abortion of freedom, and is unconstitutional, so why not take a break from the personnal attacks and address it.

    Please read the whole post before u respond, or go fuck yourself and don't bother.
    #57     Dec 27, 2009
  8. .....and you are CORRECT, this has already been pointed out the last few months by insurance industry analysts. Get ready, the rate increases have already started in anticipation of the horrid changes coming down the pike! :mad:
    #58     Dec 27, 2009
  9. Piggybank you are part of a group, the uninsured that if and when a medical catastrophy happens you will not be able to pay your bills. The hospital, doctors, ambulance, county state and federal governments and everyone involved will have to charge the paying customers and tax payers and those with insurance, more. Thus increased health care costs. Being part of that group makes you part of the problem.
    As far as the public option being unconstitional and illegal, I definatly am unqualified to know about that. But I seriously doubt those claims, until proven. Hopefully I addressed your complete post politely this time. My apologies for the crudeness & rudness on my part previously.
    #59     Dec 27, 2009
  10. Eliminating the middle men couldn't possibly have been worse.
    #60     Dec 28, 2009