huge rise in right wing hate groups since obama election.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, May 18, 2012.

  1. lol. . . . i cant believe you guys go looking at other peoples IP address.
    Maxi -- even you too.:D.
    #41     May 18, 2012

  2. I knew it.

    Lucrum has problems with his child, the mother of his child, and his father, and that's just what we know so far. Is it any wonder why the man is so twisted up with anger?

    Everyone has a problem, except him. Now age is setting in, he has low T, still looking to learn to trade, man, things are just messed up for the poor guy.

    Anger will eat you alive, Luke, find a way to get past it.
    #42     May 19, 2012
  3. Yeah, that's pretty obsessive.
    #43     May 19, 2012
  4. I posted to him that I had taken a college course and the first we would do some reading and then in the second half of the semester we would go up. But I dropped, when I said lessons, that is what I meant.

    We hammered Luke pretty hard on the one thing he can do and is good at. We said flying is so easy that a child can do it, a 12 year old in fact, but a child that young cannot legally drive a car.

    In hindsight, there was no way to know that Luke is unstable to the degree that he is. We really bruised his ego, so he has become a bit of a stalker.

    I do sincerely hope he can find some peace before he passes away.
    #44     May 19, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    Actually you lying POS you posted that you "took flying lessons many moons ago" and it was easier than driving a car. Then you claimed you never made any such statement. Only after I outed you on your lie did you confess it was only a college class with no flying involved and that you couldn't even pass that.
    #45     May 19, 2012
  6. Interesting

    despite my best efforts

    Probably your best efforts were destined to fail anyways. Your daughter bonded with her mother by becoming a compulsive liar like her. (they had this in common) Maybe your daughter couldn't relate to her mother in any other way. Your efforts weren't going to have much chance to break that bond.

    Your best efforts gave her negative attention.

    Just my .02
    #46     May 19, 2012
  7. big difference jem. the christian hate groups like the kkk and other right wing groups are are all about hate and harming people. they seek to create fear, and if necessary they plan to resort to guns to get their way. they arent stockpiling huge weapons caches just for fun.

    freethought groups are nothing like that. we seek to use critical thinking, logic and reason,and a little riddicule, to get you to see the flaws in what you believe and to do what we can to enlighten humans and stamp out mythology.

    We Have A Responsibility…as unbelievers, we have a responsibility to the future of our species to do whatever we can to disseminate the science and eliminate the myth.
    #47     May 21, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    No there's not.

    No you don't, and you ARE a "believer".
    #48     May 21, 2012
  9. Mercor


    "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists."

    Barack Obama, in "Dreams From my Father" pages 100-101.
    #49     May 21, 2012
  10. Yes he's a believer in making decisions based on evidence.
    Unlike god believers who base decisions based on myths.
    Which group are you in, evidence believers or myth believers ?
    #50     May 21, 2012