hpq trading on nasdaq.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by gaj, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. gaj


    so what - but i couldn't think of a better wa to put this piece from briefing (in wsj)
    Nasdaq lobbies NYSE companies to joint-list; HPQ is first recruit -- WSJ

    The Nasdaq Stock Market is lobbying large, blue-chip companies that trade on the NYSE to list their shares on both Nasdaq and the Big Board as part of a program it plans to launch next week, according to people familiar with the matter. Nasdaq, which competes against the Big Board for corporate listings, plans to announce that Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), one of the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones industrial average and which now trades on the NYSE, has agreed to list its shares on both markets. The move would break a recent tradition in the U.S. stock markets, where major companies tend to list on only one major market. Nasdaq has contacted several large companies about listing, including AIG, SCH and PFE. According to the article, Nasdaq already handles 13.2% of the volume of NYSE-listed stocks. The move is seen for a way by corporations to highlight their frustration with the Big Board, as some CEOs have expressed frustration with the specialist system.
  2. They're just going to move the CAES to Supermontage. It pretty much will not do anything new for the market except CAES will be accessible to all supermontage participants. Those listed stocks have already been trading on NASDAQ with the Knights, Timbers, and Madoff's


    With the above link you can enter a symbol and see what market makers trade that listed stock. Note the rules are very different on NASDAQ vs. exchanges on executing orders.

  3. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    how do you expect to benefit from this as a trader???
  4. You get more fragmented markets. It's better for everyone. :)
  5. lescor


    One word: Arbitrage.