Hows does a QQQQ maintence work when going short ?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Digs, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Digs


    Say I have $1000 Cash in my account

    This means I have buying (LONG) power of $2000 for stocks overnight.

    If QQQQ is priced at $32 this means I can Buy or Long 6 lots or $32 * 100 * 6 = $1920

    If a stock has short maintenace ( like futures) how does that effect buying power(short) or margin calls etc ?

    AT IB website
    ..."Short Marginable Positions:
    Maximum (50%*stock value, short sale maintenance requirement). Short sale proceeds are applied to cash and the short position value is subtracted from equity."...
  2. cubes act just like any other issue out there...50% initial margin, 25% money needs to be added until you hit 25%, but you will have some restrictions on your account if you fall below 50%
  3. although ib might have a more substantial minimum requirement than the fed requires. in that case, check with their standards.
  4. Digs


    ..."cubes act just like any other issue out there...50% initial margin, 25% money needs to be added until you hit 25%, but you will have some restrictions on your account if you fall below 50%"...

    So if the value of my Short falls below 25% of $1920 I get a margin call !!
  5. want a short position to shrink...a long position to grow. you have to invert your thought process on a short. you are selling high first so you can buy low second.

    in a short situation, the fed only cares if you are going to have to pay MORE for the stock than you sold it for!
  6. Digs


    So if I short 6 lots @ $32 = $1920

    Price goes to $16 my value is (32+16)/32 up 50% so $2880

    Price goes to $48 my value is down 50% so $960, near the 50% margin call level...
  7. Not if you have $1000 debit (deposit) in the account:

    You are almost at the 50% margin at 60 x $32 = $1920
    $1000 is ~52% of 1920 no maintenance needed

    If the position moves to 60 x $16 = $960
    $1000 is ~104% of 960 no maintenance needed

    If the position moves to 60 x $48 = $2880
    $1000 is ~34.7% of 2880 maintenance required

    Also check your math there...$1000 will not by 6 future contracts at any of those prices, if it's equities than you can buy 60 shares.