how/where can I trade in tenths of hundredths of a cent?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by halberdianstahl, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. This is complete BS. I own 10 million shares of a company and am having a difficult time selling due to the inability to trade out in hundred of thousandths of a cent, yet I see it done all day long and in small quantities. I called scottrade and they tell me they dont allow it yet I see in this thread that do if you call. Etrade told me a broker could assist for a fee, but yet the broker says they can't what is the true story?
    #11     Aug 18, 2016
  2. Occam


    The hunredth-of a-cent "price improvement" is part of the retail broker/wholesaler "payment-for-order-flow" system, a bizarre arrangement pioneered largely by Bernie Madoff to take trading off of the public exchanges so that retail brokers can get a kickback on every trade in exchange for giving retail orders (probably and on average) worse execution that they can't normally see.

    There isn't much you can do about it save contact your congressman and/or the SEC to encourage them to end such wholesaler payment-for-order-flow arrangements.

    You could also get around the wholesalers (possibly) by sending your orders to a real exchange, if your broker allows you to "direct" your orders. Starting in September, IEX will be a full-fledged exchange and they have a much more fair and transparent system than do the retail-wholesaler systems, as well as some anti-HFT features.
    #12     Aug 18, 2016
  3. Has anyone made progress on this topic?
    #13     Dec 6, 2018