How to use NewsWare/ NewsWatch

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Ravioli, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. Ravioli


    Their news alerts seem to come up 2-7minutes on average after another source has already posted about it (ex. Reuters). Hard to trade off the news when others are already in there with a 6 minute head start.

    If anyone uses it and knows how to configure it to receive alerts first help would be appreciated.
  2. Newsware is not a content creator. So, what feeds did you subscribe to and pay for? Only makes sense to discuss in this context. I used Newsware for many years with a Dow Jones subscription and they often delivered breaking news at the same time or seconds before even on Bloomberg terminal.

  3. Ravioli


    Im on a trial right now. Should I ask them for the Dow Jones newswire feed? Ive used TradeTheNews for over a year and though they aren't perfect they let you know usually with 0-3 minutes of a story breaking which lets you competitively take a position.

    How is that Dow Jones subscription feed compared to something like TradetheNews?
    thanks in advance
  4. Worlds difference. DJ is a real news feed, especially the full road tape that costs 180 dollars per month. You get a better feed than what Refinitiv or Bloomberg offers in terms of news. Might be overkill but since you ask there you have it.

  5. Ravioli


    Do you still use Newsware? Would there be a specific tag I ask them to use like P/PMDM. Or what would I email them to get access to what you're talking about, "full Dow Jones road tape?"
    So far since talking with them, I don't believe they understand what ive been asking for, so if there's a way to ask them for this tag that's better than both Bloomberg and Eikon (I've used both) could you help specify what exactly you are referring to so they stop getting confused when I email them. Again thanks in advance.
  6. I don't use DJ news these days but I found an old PDF I was emailed by my former sales contact. It's attached to this post. This is just a cheat sheet there are many more mneumonics