The Sunnyvale Server went down right after the open for me. How do I switch servers? Ctrl-Alt-N does not switch for me because Sunnyvale is closest server even though it's not working. I use to be able to modify the ContinuumClient.ini and remove the offending Server but I don't think they use a file like that since QC4.0. From their Web Site: *** There are some minor data output issues on the Sunnyvale farm affecting some routers. The symptom is lack of charts and quote updates. Operations is aware of the issue and working to resolve it as soon as possible. ***
The ContinuumClient.ini file is still used. Here is what mine looks like after choosing only Sterling-01: AutoUpdateServerList=false Server= (sterling-r01) Make sure AutoUpdate.. is set to false, or QCharts will automatically try to override your choice of server. If you use QCharts, you should subscribe to the Yahoo group. It is the best place to find information and get replies from employees. In the files area, you can find the Connectivity Guides, QFeed application interface, and Select Server. These tools let you choose servers without editing files by hand. -v
vitajex, Thanks, I found the ini file doing a file search and the Boston server works good for me now.