how to strengthen my mind/brain? Does meditation work?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by mizhael, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. Ok, very briefly...
    What's happening in the world,
    and the only thing that's happening in the world,
    is some wacked out self-punishment for a trumped-up crime no one has ever committed.
    This installs an erroneous concept of "guilt" into the mind that makes this world and drives it mad.
    This is your mind, if you are willing to "own" it.
    In the process of making this world, it has fragmented.
    The fragments serve to bury "guilt" deep within various sub-layers of mind.
    The superconsciousness then transforms itself into something that can be assaulted, namely, bodies with agendas.
    From the hidden sub-layers, it then proceeds to execute myriad assorted affronts to the body-personality package.
    The form of the *punishment* is so varied, so subtle, so cunning,
    so hidden, so masked, that you don't even know what's happening.
    The superconsciousness is a diplomat about it.
    It says, diplomatically, "go to hell",
    and we go there, smiling all the way.
    Sometimes "others" seem to hurt us.
    Other times we seem to hurt ourselves.
    It's all the same. We do it to ourselves.
    It's all self-sabotage.

    The trick is to turn all these painful situations into
    opportunities to wash away guilt buried in the dark crevices of the subconscious mind.
    Avoid giving anyone the impression that you have been hurt,
    or that you can be hurt.
    Hold all parties concerned harmless, and/or blameless.
    Breath in the feelings of the experience. Feel them without any opinion about them.
    Then let them go in peace.
    Hold yourself blameless.
    Imagine there is no world. It never happened.
    Could anyone be blamed for anything?
    Could you be blamed for anything?
    Does anything really matter?

    Imagine a world in which, by irrefutable law,
    nothing can happen to you except by your consent.
    Imagine a world in which, by law,
    you are safe and secure whenever you abandon the concept of guilt.
    Understand that the feelings of guilt come first,
    and then the circumstances arise to justify your beliefs.
    See the importance of releasing yourself from guilt by releasing others.
    Imagine that these others reveal hidden pockets of guilt in your mind.
    And don't forget to hold yourself blameless also.
    Ask me for help in letting the blame game go.
    Ask Spirit Self to take the blame off your hands,
    and out of your mind.

    Gradually, over time, you should experience fewer and fewer painful inciidents.
    You may even experience better trading results,
    since you no longer use the markets to punish yourself.
    You can get to a place where you don't consider a GF as either a gain or as a loss.
    You may even get to the point where you don't feel you need anything,
    and realize there is no such thing as gain or loss.
    If that's true, it means there is no such thing as the world.
    Actually, that's true. And that's the basis of universal innocence.

    So forgive, seventy time seven.
    Consider such circumstances as opportunities.
    Without them, you might never get access to the hidden,
    erroneous belief in guilt buried in your subconscious mind.
    With them, you wash it all away.

    This will give you peace of mind.


    #41     Jan 23, 2008
  2. What a shame

    you wasted another chance.....all because you are such an arrogant asshole that you think you have many more chances in front of you....

    You don't

    Each time you decide to waste your time and ours with your pathetic pseudo intellectual crap, you leave the world a little bit worse than when you started...and this is why people get pissed off with suck all the energy out of the room with your self absorbed bullshit....

    Now get a fucking clue hosebag....When one of us provides you with an opportunity to act like a human...try acting like a human instead of a some fictional character....No one wants to interview a TV character...we want to talk to a real have become a characature, a snapshot of a person with their features all distorted....plenty funny but nothing of any lasting interest. Hey its your life (whats left of it) You want to profound on what is really "happening" here? Well this is it....some of us are living in this world and SOME of us are acting like cartoon characters.

    This is why the rest of us write you off as a disturbed head case.


    #42     Jan 23, 2008
  3. Mizhael,

    On second thought...

    Just take some fish oil. 3 capsules a day.

    I'm still working on my Series 777 and can't advise you on where to invest psychological assets.
    I've forgiven Steve46 49 times in 7 days so it shouldn't take much longer.

    #43     Jan 24, 2008
  4. What an incredible ignorant asshole. You forgive me?

    Tell you what jerkoff. I will forgive YOU your crappy impersonation of the Son of God....
    #44     Jan 26, 2008
  5. I am a long time practitioner of Tai Chi
    I highly reccomend it - it will help your mind and keep you in better shape physically

    Tai Chi teaches a breathing technique (Xi Gong) that really helps eliminate stress in my opinion
    #45     Jan 26, 2008